The LDS Church Discipline Database is an effort to promote understanding of LDS church disciplinary practices by compiling all publicly documented instances of formal discipline by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as well as its predecessors, the Church of Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (no hyphen).
This database is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as the LDS Church or Mormon Church). The title “LDS Church Discipline Database” is meant to accurately reflect the contents and focus of the database, but does not in any way imply that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints approves of or is in any way responsible for the contents of the database.
This database concerns events of formal discipline by the LDS church documented as part of the public record. Events of formal discipline are defined as any occurrence of a disciplinary council either occurring or having been scheduled, or of disciplinary actions being carried out unilaterally by decision of a leader.
Additionally, individuals who have resigned their membership from the church—even without threat of disciplinary action—will be included.
Call for Contributions
This database is far from complete. We’re calling for any publicly documented instances of formal church discipline not represented here, especially:
- acquittals / “no action” results
- positive interactions with church discipline
- unusual penalties or outcomes (e.g. revocation of authority to exercise the priesthood)
Please send additions and corrections to or make edits directly in GitHub. See Contributing for more information.
The Database
Strictly speaking the database is contained in discipline.json and discipline.tsv, but we also present it for your perusal here:
19th Century
- William E. McLellin (18 Jan 1806-24 Apr 1883)—3 Dec 1832—Original member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles—Excommunicated.
- Location: Kirtland, Ohio
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- Jesse Gause (1785-1836?)—prob. 3 Dec 1832—First Presidency member and missionary—Apparently excommunicated, for reasons unknown. A former Quaker and Shaker, his conversion to Mormonism introduced strain on his marriage that may have been a factor in his estrangement from the church.
- Location: Kirtland, Ohio
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- Burr Riggs (17 Apr 1811-1860)—26 Feb 1833—Zelph Co-discoverer—Excommunicated by a conference of high priests in Kirtland, for “neglecting to make satisfaction to the church as he had agreed, and disgracing the high priesthood by neglect of duty and saying he did not care how soon he was cut off from the church. &c. &c” On February 13th, a “council of High priests assembled to investigate the proceedings of Bro Burr Riggs, who was accused of not magnifying his calling as a high priest, but had been guilty of neglect of duty, of abusing the elders, and of treating their admonitions with contempt. After the council had considered the case, Brother Riggs agreed to make satisfaction, but did not shew much humility.” After his excommunication he was later reinstated in the church, and also later excommunicated, and reinstated yet again.
- Location: Kirtland, Ohio
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- Doctor Philastus Hurlbut (3 Feb 1809-16 Jun 1883)—3 Jun 1833—Amorous Apostate, Early Church Foe—Excommunicated in absentia for “unchristian conduct with the female sex while on a mission to the east”. He was found sufficiently penitent upon appeal that his membership was restored 21 Jun 1833 only to be revoked again two days later because he had reportedly claimed to have “deceived” the prior council. He went on to become a notorious critic of Mormonism, being a major contributor to Eber D. Howe’s Mormonism Unvailed, for which he collected affidavits against the character of Joseph Smith and his family.
- Location: Kirtland, Ohio
- Daniel Copley (abt. 1811-6 Jul 1862)—21 Jun 1833—Reluctant missionary—Excommunicated “because he refused to fulfill his mission according to the Council of the High Priesthood of the holy order of God”. Much like his likewise-excommunicated father, Leman Copley, Daniel Copley struggled to be “all in” on the church. When assigned to serve a mission with (later excommunicated) Doctor Philastus Hurlbut, he refused. He later went on to serve in the First Regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers in the American Civil War.
- Location: Kirtland, Ohio
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- William E. McLellin (18 Jan 1806-24 Apr 1883)—4 Aug 1835—Original member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles—Disfellowshipped for failing to solicit donations for “a house in which to receive an endowment”, and for a “libel” against the church due to this seemingly innocuous quotation from a letter he wrote his wife: “You say, that it will not be in your power to go to school this summer—I am glad that it is not, since Eld[e]r [Orson] Hyde has returned and given, me a description of the manner in which it is conducted. though we do not wish to cast any reflections.”
- James Patten—7 Aug 1835—Excommunicated for “improper conduct, and refusing to give up his license”.
- Location: Bradford, Massachusetts
- Harvey G. Whitlock (1809-after 1880)—by 28 Sep 1835—Early Mormon physician, Book of Commandments witness—Excommunicated, perhaps for adultery. He was rebaptized around 30 Jan 1836.
- John F. Boynton (20 Sep 1811-20 Oct 1890)—1837—Original member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, geologist, inventor—Excommunicated.
- Location: Kirtland, Ohio
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
Solomon Wilbur Denton (1816-1864)—Apr? 1837—Printer, bodyguard—Excommunicated “for lack of faith, non-observance of duties and contempt for the quorum of High Priests”. He had testified in court that Joseph Smith had recruited him to murder Grandison Newell (a murder which never occurred).
- John F. Boynton (20 Sep 1811-20 Oct 1890)—3 Sep 1837—Original member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, geologist, inventor—Disfellowshipped by conference vote. He was a founding member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles who grew dissatisfied after the failure of the Kirtland Safety Society. Reinstated a week later. Repeatedly disfellowshipped (along with numerous others) for “dancing with the world” and attending balls.
- Location: Kirtland, Ohio
- Luke Johnson (3 Nov 1807-9 Dec 1861)—3 Sep 1837—Original member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles—Disfellowshipped for reasons not given but likely in connection with the failure of the Kirtland Safety Society. Reinstated a week later.
- Location: Kirtland, Ohio
- Lyman E. Johnson (24 Oct 1811-20 Dec 1859)—3 Sep 1837—Disfellowshipped for reasons not given but likely in connection with the failure of the Kirtland Safety Society. Reinstated a week later.
- Location: Kirtland, Ohio
- Roger Orton (1799-1851)—30 Nov 1837—Deadbeat president of the Seventy—Excommunicated “for abusing Elder Brigham Young” and a “general course of unchristian like conduct”, and also for “showing contempt to the authorities of the church”. He was later reinstated and appointed to the presidency of the Seventy around 1844 but did not accept the calling. He did not go to Utah but died in Iowa.
- Location: Kirtland, Ohio
- Warren Parrish (10 Jan 1803-3 Jan 1877)—Dec 1837—Seventy, accused embezzler, dissident—Excommunicated while leading a group of dissidents opposed to Joseph Smith. He had been accused of embezzling from the Kirtland Safety Society and thus participating in its downfall.
- Leonard Rich (1800-1868)—Dec 1837—Inaugural member of the Seven Presidents of Seventy—Excommunicated after joining a group of dissenters led by fellow excommunicant Warren Parrish, attempting to restore the church to its prior form as the “Church of Christ”.
- Luke Johnson (3 Nov 1807-9 Dec 1861)—1838—Original member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles—Excommunicated. He was rebaptized in 1846 and journeyed to Utah where he lived the rest of his life.
- Harvey G. Whitlock (1809-after 1880)—1838?—Early Mormon physician, Book of Commandments witness—Presumably excommunicated after he “withdrew” from the church as he was rebaptized in 1858. The “Journal History of the Church” in 1859 reported that he had “apostatized” in 1838 and “went with Geo[rge] M. Hinkle”, the later-excommunicated militia leader who turned Joseph Smith over to the Missourians.
John Gaylord (12 Jul 1797-17 Jul 1874)—13 Jan 1838—Member of the Presidency of the Seventy—Excommunicated for “rising up in rebellion against the church”, reportedly due to his bitterness over the failure of the Kirtland Safety Society. He later reunited with the church, following James J. Strang after Joseph Smith’s death, and joining the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints upon Strang’s death.
- John Whitmer (27 Aug 1802-11 Jul 1878)—10 Mar 1838—One of the Eight Witnesses of the Book of Mormon—Excommunicated alongside W. W. Phelps for “persisting in unchristian like conduct”. The minutes of the Far West High Council recorded: “After some remarks by Presidents Marsh & Patten, setting forth the iniquity of those men, in claiming the $2.000 spoken of, which did not belong to them any more than any other person in the church; it was decided that William W. Phelps and John Whitmer be no longer members of the church of Christ of Latter Day Saints, & be given over to the buffetings of Satan, until they learn to blaspheme no more against the authorities of God, nor fleece the flock of Christ.” He was driven from Far West along with other “dissenters”. After Joseph Smith’s death he supported his brother’s (David Whitmer’s) claim to church leadership.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- W. W. Phelps (17 Feb 1792-7 Mar 1872)—10 Mar 1838—Printer and hymnist—Excommunicated alongside John Whitmer for “persisting in unchristian like conduct”, specifically for alleged mishandling of Far West land, and temple donations.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- Oliver Cowdery (3 Oct 1806-3 Mar 1850)—12 Apr 1838—Book of Mormon Witness, Apostle, Second Elder, Assistant President—Excommunicated on six different charges, including his accusation that Joseph Smith was an adulterer due to his relationship with Fanny Alger which Cowdery termed a “dirty, nasty, filthy affair”. He was rebaptized into the LDS church in 1848.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Lyman E. Johnson (24 Oct 1811-20 Dec 1859)—13 Apr 1838—Excommunicated in Far West on seven different charges, including “virtually denying the faith of the Church of Christ of Latter Day saints, by vindicating the cause of the enemies of this Church, who are dissenters from us”, “seeking to injure the character of Joseph Smith jr”, and “taking whiskey and making Weldon drink & then cheating him out of his property”. The minutes record that “After some few appropriate remarks, by the Councellors, it was decided by the President that Lyman E. Johnson be no longer considered a member of the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints, nor a member of the Quorum of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb and also be given over to the buffetings of Satan untill he learns to blaspheme no more against the authorities of God.”
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- David Whitmer (7 Jan 1805-25 Jan 1888)—13 Apr 1838—Book of Mormon Witness, founding church member—Withdrew his membership from the church in response to numerous charges: “First, For not observing the word of wisdom, 2 for unchristian-like conduct in neglecting to attend to meetings, in uniting, with, and possessing the same spirit with the Dissenters, in writing letters to the Dissenters in Kirtland unfavorable to the cause and to Br Joseph Smith jr. 3nd For neglecting the duties of his calling. 4th, For seperating himself from the cause and the Church while he has a name among us. 5 For signing himself President of the Church of Christ in an insulting letter to the High Council.” Along with other dissenters, he was driven from Missouri a few months later, presumably by “Danites” inspired by Sidney Rigdon’s “Salt Sermon”. These removals added to Mormon-Missourian tensions that resulted in the 1838 Mormon War and ultimately the infamous Missouri Executive Order 44 ordering the Mormons “treated as enemies” and “exterminated or driven from the state if necessary for the public peace.” David Whitmer maintained his belief in the Book of Mormon throughout his life. He never rejoined the LDS church.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- William E. McLellin (18 Jan 1806-24 Apr 1883)—11 May 1838—Original member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles—Excommunicated because he expressed he had no confidence in the church’s leaders, perhaps as a response to the failure of the Kirtland Safety Society.
- Frederick G. Williams (28 Oct 1787-10 Oct 1842)—by 5 Aug 1838—physician, publisher, first presidency member—Probably excommunicated as he was rebaptized 5 Aug 1838.
- Joseph Coe (12 Nov 1784-17 Oct 1854)—Dec 1838—Kirtland High Councilor, Book of Abraham Financier, Safety Society Dissenter—Excommunicated following the collapse of the Kirtland Safety Society.
Mass Excommunications at Quincy, Illinois Church Conference
- Sampson Avard (23 Oct 1800-15 Apr 1869)—17 Mar 1839—Founding Danite who testified against Joseph Smith in court—Excommunicated by a conference of the church.
- Location: Quincy, Illinois
- George M. Hinkle (13 Nov 1801-9 Nov 1861)—17 Mar 1839—Militia leader who turned Joseph Smith over to the Missourians—Excommunicated by a conference of the church. It was later shown that he turned the Mormon prophet over in bad faith, expecting him to be executed.
- Location: Quincy, Illinois
- John Corrill (17 Sep 1794-26 Sep 1842)—17 Mar 1839—Early Mormon leader, Missouri legislator involved with handing Joseph Smith over to the Missourians—Excommunicated by a conference of the church. He also testified against Joseph Smith and the Mormons in court.
- Location: Quincy, Illinois
- Reed Peck (1814-23 Aug 1894)—17 Mar 1839—Attempted peaceful resolution of Mormon War—Excommunicated by a conference of the church, not long after his disaffection from the church and testifying against Joseph Smith in court.
- Location: Quincy, Illinois
- W. W. Phelps (17 Feb 1792-7 Mar 1872)—17 Mar 1839—Printer and hymnist—Excommunicated by a conference of the church, possibly for testifying against Joseph Smith in court, helping put him in Liberty Jail.
- Location: Quincy, Illinois
- Thomas B. Marsh (1 Nov 1800-Jan 1866)—17 Mar 1839—First President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles—Excommunicated by a conference of the church, likely because he drafted and signed an affidavit against Joseph Smith in connection with the Missouri Mormon War, in which he expressed his concerns over the violent tactics of the Mormons. Marsh’s move away from the church may have been initiated by a dispute between his wife Elizabeth and Lucinda Harris over a pint of milk skimmings, which the First Presidency supposedly decided in Lucinda’s favor; then again, that story may be fabulous. Thomas B. Marsh is known to have made a reconciliation with Lucinda’s husband George in 1857; soon thereafter he moved to Utah where he was rebaptized into the church. He lived his days out as a pauper.
- Location: Quincy, Illinois
- Burr Riggs (17 Apr 1811-1860)—17 Mar 1839—Zelph Co-discoverer—Excommunicated by a conference of the church, but later reinstated. He had previously been excommunicated, in 1833.
- Location: Quincy, Illinois
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- Frederick G. Williams (28 Oct 1787-10 Oct 1842)—17 Mar 1839—physician, publisher, first presidency member—Excommunicated. “Restored to fellowship” Apr 1840.
- Location: Quincy, Illinois
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
The Followers of Isaac Russell
- Isaac Russell (13 Apr 1807-25 Sep 1844)—26 Apr 1839—Unapproved revelator—Excommunicated for attempting to lead his converts from Alston, England on an unauthorized mission to the Lamanites on the basis of revelation he claimed to have received. According to the official History of the Church, “Mr. Bishop was tried by the High Council, his papers examined, condemned and burned, and he cut off the Church. He acknowledged the justice of the decision, and said ‘that he now saw his error, for if he had been governed by the revelations given before, he might have known that no man was to write revelations for the Church, but Joseph Smith,’ and begged to be prayed for, and forgiven by the brethren.” He does not appear to have rejoined the church, and died in 1844 of “swamp fever”.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Mary Russell—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated along with her husband, Isaac Russell, who claimed revelations not approved by the church. In 1861 she moved to Utah and rejoined the church.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- John Edward Goodson (1808-1892)—26 Apr 1839—Musician, early missionary to England—Excommunicated for supposedly coming under the influence of Isaac Russell.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Margaret Goodson—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated along with her husband, John Goodson, when they supposedly fell under the influence of the claimed revelations of her uncle, Isaac Russell.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Jacob Scott, Sr.—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- The wife of Jacob Scott, Sr.—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Isaac Scott—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Jacob Scott, Jr.—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Ann Scott—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Sister Walton—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Robert Walton—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Sister Cavanaugh—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Ann Wanlass—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- William Dawson, Jr.—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- The wife of William Dawson, Jr.—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- William Dawson, Sr.—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- The wife of William Dawson, Sr.—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- George Nelson—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Joseph Nelson—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- The wife of Joseph Nelson—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- The mother of Joseph Nelson—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- William Warnock—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- The wife of William Warnock—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Jonathan Maynard—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Nelson Maynard—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- George Miller—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- John Grigg—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- The wife of John Grigg—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Luman Gibbs—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Simeon Gardner—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
- Freeborn Gardner—26 Apr 1839—Excommunicated, in Far West.
- Location: Far West, Missouri
Late Joseph Smith Era
- Gladden Bishop (18 Jun 1809-30 Nov 1864)—11 Mar 1842—Would-be Prophet—Excommunicated for promulgating his own revelations deemed inconsistent with those of the church. His trial was held before the Nauvoo High Council with Joseph Smith presiding. When asked to present his revelations, Bishop initially refused, but Joseph Smith invoked his mayoral authority to issue a “warrant” for the revelations which were then obtained. Bishop read portions of his revelations aloud and was met with laughter for what the official record termed “the extreme of folly, nonsense, absurdity, falsehood, and bombastic egotism”. The revelations were then “condemned” and “committed to the flames” and he was “cut off from the church and given over to the buffetings of Satan untill the day of the Lord Jesus.”
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- John C. Bennett (1804-1867)—11 May 1842—Physician, Assistant President in First Presidency, Nauvoo Mayor, Spiritual Wifery Proponent—Excommunicated for adultery on account of his practice of “spiritual wifery”, a form of free love. Soon thereafter he was expelled from the Nauvoo Masonic Lodge, and he and his wife divorced. In turn he accused Joseph Smith of attempting to assassinate former Governor of Missouri Lilburn Boggs, and of adulterous relationships under the guise of polygamy. Bennett later went on to join the Strangite faction of Mormonism, from which he was also excommunicated for sexual improprieties. He also became known for his promotion of the tomato and certain breeds of chickens.
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- Chauncey L. Higbee (1821-1884)—20 May 1842—Seducer, Nauvoo Expositor editor—Excommunicated for “unchaste and unvirtuous conduct” and teaching “the doctrine that it was right to have free intercourse with women if it was kept secret &c and also… that Joseph Smith authorized him to practise these things &c.” The testimony of the three witnesses at his excommunication trial (as well as one other) was published in the Nauvoo Neighbor two years later. He had told the widow Sarah Miller that physician John C. Bennett would perform abortions should she become pregnant.
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- Orson Pratt (1811-1881)—20 Aug 1842—Philosopher, original member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles—Excommunicated for declining to endorse Joseph Smith’s moral character in light of accusations that the prophet had proposed plural marriage to Orson’s wife in his absence. Rebaptized alongside his wife 20 Jan 1843.
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- Sarah Marinda Bates Pratt (1817-1888)—20? Aug 1842—First wife of Orson Pratt, Anti-Polygamy Society supporter, self-proclaimed apostate—Probably excommunicated for “adultery” on accusations that she had an affair with the excommunicated John C. Bennett. This followed John C. Bennett’s own allegations that Joseph Smith had proposed plural marriage to Sarah Pratt while her husband, Orson, was abroad on a mission. She was rebaptized alongside her husband 20 Jan 1843.
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- William Law (1809-1892)—18 Apr 1844—First Presidency member, founder and president of the dissident True Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Nauvoo Expositor publisher—Excommunicated in absentia for “unchristianlike conduct” due to his involvement with the Nauvoo Expositor. He had served in the First Presidency since 1841 but was removed from that office for opposition to polygamy. He expressed additional concerns about Joseph Smith’s doctrine of exaltation and intermingling of ecclesiastical and economic affairs.
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- Jane Silverthorn Law (1815-1882)—18 Apr 1844—Wife of William Law—Excommunicated for “unchristianlike conduct”. Joseph Smith may have made her sealing to him a precondition for her sealing to her husband. It is unclear whether she was actually sealed to Joseph Smith, though it appears that she eventually assented to the sealing.
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- Wilson Law (1806-1876)—18 Apr 1844—Nauvoo Legion Brigadier General, Nauvoo Expositor publisher, brother of William Law—Excommunicated for “unchristianlike conduct” for his involvement with the Nauvoo Expositor.
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- Robert D. Foster (1811-1878)—18 Apr 1844—(Acting) Justice of the Peace, dissenter, Nauvoo Expositor publisher—Excommunicated for “unchristianlike conduct” for his involvement with the Nauvoo Expositor.
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- Howard Smith—18 Apr 1844—Excommunicated for “unchristianlike conduct” alongside the Nauvoo Expositor publishers, though his involvement is unclear.
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- Austin Cowles (1792-1872)—18 May 1844—Hymnist and anti-polygamy crusader—Excommunicated for apostasy on account of his strenuous opposition to polygamy. He went on to publicly denounce Mormon polygamy in the Nauvoo Expositor, whose first and only printing led to the arrest and death of Joseph Smith.
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- James Blakeslee (1802-1866)—18 May 1844—Excommunicated for apostasy. In a tour de schism he followed Sidney Rigdon after Joseph Smith’s death, then James J. Strang, then Charles B. Thompson (the “Baneemyites”), finally finding a spiritual home in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints where he became an apostle.
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- Francis M. Higbee (1820-1856)—18 May 1844—Nauvoo Expositor editor, Nauvoo Legion colonel—Excommunicated for apostasy. He went on to participate in the publication of the Nauvoo Expositor, leading to the arrest and death of Joseph Smith.
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
- Charles Ivins (1799-1875)—18 May 1844—Dissenting bishop, Nauvoo Expositor publisher—Excommunicated for apostasy. He had been appointed bishop of a new church formed by dissenters. Following his excommunication, he was one of the publishers of the Nauvoo Expositor, the destruction of which resulted in the arrest and death of Joseph Smith.
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
James Strang (1813-1856)—26 Aug 1844—Legislator, naturalist, would-be successor to Joseph Smith, self-proclaimed King of the Kingdom of God—Excommunicated by the church he sought to lead for claiming that Joseph Smith had appointed him as his successor, and that his calling had been confirmed by the appearance of an angel upon the prophet’s death. Strang rejected the LDS Church’s authority to excommunicate him, the (purported) president of the church, without trial. His claim to the prophetic mantle rested upon a controversial Letter of Appointment supposedly sent by Joseph Smith 18 Jun 1844, and upon his translation of the Voree Plates. His Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite), headquartered on Beaver Island on Lake Michigan, became a substantial rival to Brigham Young’s faction with 12,000 adherents. He later claimed to translate a portion of the “Plates of Laban”, producing “The Book of the Law of the Lord”. In 1849 he abruptly embraced polygamy, ultimately marrying four additional wives, and in 1850 he had himself crowned king of the Kingdom of God. He was assassinated in 1856.
- Aaron Smith—26 Aug 1844—James Strang supporter—Excommunicated for his part furthering James Strang’s claim to church leadership.
- Josiah Butterfield (1795-1871)—7 Oct 1844—Member of the Presidency of the Seventy—Excommunicated as a consequence of disaffection stemming from a personal conflict with Joseph Smith over an estate settlement. Originally baptized by fellow excommunicant John F. Boynton.
- George J. Adams (1810-1880)—Apr 1845—Actor, Apostle to Russia, Council of Fifty Member, Failed Colonizer of Israel—Disfellowshipped and excommunicated for “the most disgraceful and diabolical conduct” for supporting Joseph Smith III as Joseph Smith’s successor. He testified in Augusta Cobb’s divorce trial in which her husband accused her of adultery after her 1843 plural marriage to Brigham Young. Adams later joined James J. Strang’s movement and in 1850 personally placed a crown upon Strang’s head on Beaver Island, Michigan, crowning Strang king of the Kingdom of God. He was likewise excommunicated from that church. He went on to found the Church of the Messiah and lead an ill-fated band of colonists to Palestine where they hoped to prepare the way for Christ’s second coming.
- Location: Nauvoo, Illinois
- Joseph Smith Papers biography
Brigham Young Era
- Jesse T. Hartley (1831-1854)—9 Apr 1854—Doomed California lawyer accused of horse-thievery—Excommunicated at the church’s General Conference on this denunciation by Brigham Young: “If that Jesse T. Hartley that I voted for yesterday to go on a mission, is the Lawyer that came from oregon last fall—I re[s]cind my vote—for that man is a vagrant—a thief, & a robber. He ought to be baptised in Salt Lake with stones tied to him & hold him under 24 hou[rs] to wash away one hundredth part of his sins: He ought to be Sent to hell across lots on a missio[n] to preach to the damned. If that hartley appointed on a mission is not this one that I speak of, this will not hurt him—but if he is the man, what I have said is right!” Hartley disputed the charges, but he was ultimately “cut off from the church” on a motion by Brigham Young. The cause of Brigham Young’s wrath was almost certainly the letter Hartley had written shortly before to U.S. Secretary of War Jefferson Davis, urging him to get Brigham Young removed as territorial governor and to use federal troops to impose order. The letter never arrived at its destination, apparently being diverted due to its content and finding a home amid Brigham Young’s own papers. Jesse T. Hartley was murdered by fellow excommunicant “Wild Bill” Hickman around 1 May 1854 as he attempted to flee eastward to urge action against Brigham Young.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Harvey G. Whitlock (1809-after 1880)—prob. by 29 Apr 1859—Early Mormon physician, Book of Commandments witness—Probably excommunicated by 29 Apr 1859 as the “Journal History of the Church” deemed him an “apostate” on that day. It had previously reported that he came to Utah in 1849 but “soon became dissatisfied and left for California”.
- Orson Pratt, Jr. (1837-1903)—18 Sep 1864—First son of apostle Orson Pratt and Sarah Pratt—Excommunicated for “unbelief” by the St. George High Council, the same day he had testified in sacrament meeting, “I have come to the conclusion that Joseph Smith was not especially sent by the Lord to establish this work, and I cannot help it, for I could not believe otherwise, even if I knew I was to suffer for it the next moment.” He had previously been called on a mission but declined to serve.
- Location: St. George, Utah
William Adams “Wild Bill” Hickman (1815-1883)—12 Jun 1868—”Brigham’s Destroying Angel”—Excommunicated (according to him) “for going away [from Utah] without permission”. A frontiersman and bodyguard for Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, he confessed to numerous murders which he claimed were ordered by Brigham Young in his autobiography, Brigham’s Destroying Angel. He was posthumously re-baptized by proxy in 1934. (His granddaughter, Annalee Skarin, was excommunicated in 1952.)
- George D. Watt (12 May 1812-24 Oct 1881)—1869—Brigham Young secretary, compiler of Journal of Discourses—Disfellowshipped, for following the teachings of dissident William S. Godbe.
- Location: Utah
- T. B. H. Stenhouse (1825-1882)—17 Aug 1870—Godbeite historian—Excommunicated at his own request after joining the Godbeite movement in criticizing Brigham Young’s leadership. A failed polygamist (his plural wife Belinda obtained a divorce 25 Nov 1869) he went on to pen Rocky Mountain Saints, a groundbreaking (if biased) history of Mormonism, published in 1873. His wife, Fanny Stenhouse, was also excommunicated, for publishing and lecturing against the church.
- Location: Utah
- George D. Watt (12 May 1812-24 Oct 1881)—3 May 1874—Brigham Young secretary, compiler of Journal of Discourses—Excommunicated for following the teachings of dissident William S. Godbe, and for his role as a leader of the Godbeite movement. He had been disfellowshipped in 1869.
- Location: Utah
- Sarah Marinda Bates Pratt (1817-1888)—4 Oct 1874—First wife of Orson Pratt, Anti-Polygamy Society supporter, self-proclaimed apostate—Excommunicated for apostasy after rejecting polygamy and objecting to being placed on an equal footing with her husband’s other wives. Her disaffection became pronounced after her 57 year-old husband Orson married as his tenth wife 16 year-old Margaret Graham, a teen younger than their own daughter.
- Location: Utah
- Arthur Pratt—5 Oct 1874—Son of Orson and Sarah Pratt—Excommunicated for apostasy the day after his mother, Sarah Pratt, was excommunicated on the same charge. He later explained, “I am the son of my father’s first wife, and had a mother who taught me the evils of the system [of polygamy].”
- Location: Utah
- Fanny Stenhouse (1829-1904)—5 Oct 1874—Anti-polygamy memoirist and polemicist—Excommunicated after delivering her anti-polygamy lecture in Salt Lake City. She published her anti-polygamy memoir, Exposé of Polygamy in Utah: A Lady’s Life among the Mormons, in 1872, and lectured widely on the same theme, leading to her excommunication. A reworked and more polemical version of her book, Tell It All: The Story of a Life’s Experience in Mormonism came out in 1875. Her husband, T. B. H. Stenhouse, preceded her in excommunication on account of his adherence to Godbeitism.
- Location: Utah
- Ann Eliza Young (1844-1917)—10 Oct 1874—Polygamy opponent, ex-wife of Brigham Young—Excommunicated subsequent to leaving her husband.
- Location: Utah
20th Century
- Addie May Chapman Gustafson (b. 4 May 1897)—4 May 1897—Excommunicated in Watsonville, California by the Watsonville Branch, Northern California Mission for violating the law of chastity.
- Location: Watsonville, California
- Church unit: Watsonville Branch, Northern California Mission
- John W. Taylor (1858-1916)—28 Mar 1911—Resigned Apostle and Persistent Polygamist—Excommunicated for “insubordination to the government and discipline of the church” on account of his rejection of the Second Manifesto’s abolition of polygamy, following his father, church president John Taylor, in dedication to plural marriage. Along with fellow apostle Matthias F. Cowley, he had previous resigned the apostleship at the request of church president Joseph F. Smith, to eliminate the awkward presence of an avowed polygamist in church leadership during the Reed-Smoot hearings.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Matthias F. Cowley (1858-1940)—11 May 1911—Resigned Apostle, Polygamist, Sermonizer—Deprived of “the right and authority to exercise any of the functions of the priesthood” for “insubordination to the government and discipline of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints”, specifically for continued involvement with plural marriages not authorized by the church. Along with fellow apostle John W. Taylor, he had previous resigned the apostleship at the request of church president Joseph F. Smith, to eliminate the awkward presence of an avowed polygamist in church leadership during the Reed-Smoot hearings. His non-standard penalty for insubordination was removed and his priesthood restored 3 Apr 1936.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
J. Leslie Broadbent (1891-1935)—18 Jul 1929—Polygamist, early leader in Mormon Fundamentalism—Excommunicated. He took a plural second wife in 1925, and his 1927 pamphlet Celestial Marriage was an influential early Mormon fundamentalist document.
- John William Oakley (b. 11 May 1891)—1 Jan 1940—Excommunicated.
- Location: Handsworth, England, United Kingdom
- Church unit: Handsworth Branch, British Mission
- Alice Maud Prescott Oakley (b. 5 Jan 1894)—8 Jan 1940—Excommunicated.
- Location: Handsworth, England, United Kingdom
- Church unit: Handsworth Branch, British Mission
- George Oakley (b. 18 Jan 1894)—8 Jan 1940—Excommunicated.
- Location: Handsworth, England, United Kingdom
- Church unit: Handsworth Branch, British Mission
- Ellen Mary Maude Brown (b. 16 Feb 1889)—8 Jan 1940—Excommunicated.
- Location: Handsworth, England, United Kingdom
- Church unit: Handsworth Branch, British Mission
- Dennis Hy Clarence Brown (b. 29 May 1916)—8 Jan 1940—Excommunicated.
- Location: Handsworth, England, United Kingdom
- Church unit: Handsworth Branch, British Mission
- Edith Oakley Dobell (b. 26 Apr 1899)—8 Jan 1940—Excommunicated.
- Location: Handsworth, England, United Kingdom
- Church unit: Handsworth Branch, British Mission
- Agnes Katherine Anderson—1941—Excommunicated at her own request.
- Location: Vallejo, California
- Church unit: Vallejo Ward, Oakland Stake
- Edward Cline (b. 13 Nov 1867)—1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: United States
- Church unit: Hamilton Branch, Northern States Mission
- Robert Laurence Cummings (b. 25 Feb 1917)—1941—Excommunicated. (The Improvement Era appears to give the branch erroneously as “Kaui Branch, Japanese Mission”. We take this to mean Kauai in the Hawaiian islands, where the Japanese Mission operated between 1937 and 1950.)
- Location: Kauai, Hawaii
- Church unit: Kauai Branch, Japanese Mission
- Pedro Martinez (b. 9 Oct 1905)—1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: San Pedro, Mexico
- Church unit: San Pedro Branch, Mexican Mission
- Jessie M. S. McIntyre (b. 27 May 1900)—8 Jan 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Evansville, Illinois
- Church unit: Evansville Branch, Northern States Mission
- Stewart Davis Livingston (b. 8 Jun 1907)—9 Jan 1941—Excommunicated in the “York Branch, Eastern States Mission” (says the Improvement Era), which probably means the New York Branch.
- Location: New York, New York
- Church unit: [New] York Branch, Eastern States Mission
- Frieda M. Czaia Cope (b. 22 Jul 1910)—13 Jan 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Illinois
- Church unit: South Illinois District, Northern States Mission
- Claricy Flynn Hubbs (b. 10 Feb 1894)—13 Jan 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Illinois
- Church unit: South Illinois District, Northern States Mission
- Belinda Arregui (b. 11 Aug 1891)—23 Jan 1941—Excommunicated. (The Improvement Era says she was excommunicated in the “Cordola Branch, Argentine Mission”, which we take to mean the Córdoba Branch in the Argentine Mission).
- Location: Córdoba, Capital Department, Argentina
- Church unit: Córdoba Branch, Argentine Mission
- Nina W. Sims DeYoung (b. 22 Oct 1902)—29 Jan 1941—Excommunicated. (The Improvement Era has her being excommunicated in the “Rapids Branch, Northern States Mission” but I find no evidence of such a branch. However, there was a Grand Rapids Branch in the Northern States Mission, so we interpret it as such.)
- Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan
- Church unit: Grand Rapids Branch, Northern States Mission
- Wilhelm Ramsdorf (b. 20 Jan 1905)—3 Feb 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil
- Church unit: Joinville Branch, Brazilian Mission
- Alma A. Timpson—13 Feb 1941—fundamentalist Mormon leader—Excommunicated for “advocating plural marriage”. He went on to become leader of the Centennial Park group of polygamists in Centennial Park, Arizona.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Twentieth Ward, Ensign Stake
- Martin Enid Mortenson (b. 23 Apr 1900)—16 Feb 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Douglas, Arizona
- Church unit: Douglas Branch, California Mission
- Andrew C. Schade—9 Mar 1941—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: Portland, Oregon
- Church unit: Mt. Tabor Ward, Portland Stake
- Byrle Elton Blades—9 Mar 1941—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: Portland, Oregon
- Church unit: Mt. Tabor Ward, Portland Stake
- Edith D. Koester Bohnet—23 Mar 1941—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: Baltimore, Maryland
- Church unit: Baltimore Branch, Washington Stake
- E. G. Dunn Hoffmann (b. 25 Sep 1912)—28 Mar 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Michigan
- Church unit: East Michigan District, Northern States Mission
- Rulon T. Jeffs (6 Dec 1909-8 Sep 2002)—14 Apr 1941—Polygamist, FLDS president—Excommunicated for “advocating doctrines contrary to the teachings of the Church” after taking a second wife in 1940. (His first wife divorced him.) He became a prolific polygamist and eventual president of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He was estimated to have 75 wives upon his death.
- Church unit: LeGrand Ward, Bonneville Stake
- M. L. F. Hunt (b. 11 Dec 1910)—16 Apr 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Rockford, Illinois
- Church unit: Rockford Branch, Northern States Mission
- Moirie Alford Measley (b. 27 Apr 1912)—18 Apr 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Toledo, Ohio
- Church unit: Toledo Branch, Northern States Mission
- Edward Everett Nolan (b. 14 Nov 1877)—27 Apr 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Billings, Montana
- Church unit: Billings Branch, North Central States Mission
- Martha Elizabeth Nolan (b. 9 Jun 1914)—27 Apr 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Billings, Montana
- Church unit: Billings Branch, North Central States Mission
- Mary Elizabeth Kusch Nolan (b. 25 Dec 1887)—27 Apr 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Billings, Montana
- Church unit: Billings Branch, North Central States Mission
Romero G. Martinez—11 May 1941—Excommunicated for adultery.
- Ray L. Cheney—6 Jun 1941—Excommunicated for adultery.
- Location: Fairview, Utah
- Church unit: Fairview South Ward, North Sanpete Stake
- Bessie O. Rhoades (b. 1 Dec 1892)—9 Jun 1941—Excommunicated in the “Munice Branch, Northern States Mission” (according to the Improvement Era), which must mean Muncie.
- Location: Muncie, Indiana
- Church unit: Muncie Branch, Northern States Mission
- Beatrice Inskup (b. 19 Jan 1905)—12 Jun 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Peoria, Illinois
- Church unit: Peoria Branch, Northern States Mission
- China M. Guildner (b. 23 Feb 1888)—26 Jun 1941—Excommunicated. (The Improvement Era has her excommunicated in the “Penchatoula Branch, Texas Mission” which seems to be a reference to Ponchatoula, Louisiana, as the Texas Mission included Louisiana at the time.)
- Location: Ponchatoula, Louisiana
- Church unit: Ponchatoula Branch, Texas Mission
- Oscar William Guildner (b. 20 Apr 1905)—26 Jun 1941—Excommunicated, seemingly in Hammond, Louisiana given the presence of the church there around that time and the shared “Guildner” name with China M. Guildner, excommunicated on the same day.
- Location: Hammond, Louisiana
- Church unit: Hammond Branch, Texas Mission
- Mary E. Lambton (b. 4 Feb 1919)—26 Jun 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Evansville, Illinois
- Church unit: Evansville Branch, Northern States Mission
- Willie Persick (b. 12 Sep 1883)—26 Jun 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Holden, Texas or Louisiana
- Church unit: Holden Branch, Texas Mission
- Ida Burriss (b. 2 May 1886)—27 Jun 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: United States
- Church unit: Northern States Mission
- Etta Chadduck Mulkey (b. 27 Sep 1894)—10 Jul 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Oklahoma
- Church unit: East Oklahoma District, Central States Mission
- Andalina Lujan (b. 10 Mar 1885)—15 Jul 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina
- Church unit: Santa Fe Branch, Argentine Mission
- Chloe Mae Crandall Beld (b. 19 Mar 1889)—21 Jul 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: United States
- Church unit: Northern States Mission
- Arthur Lee Crandall (b. 17 May 1920)—21 Jul 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Indiana
- Church unit: South Indiana District, Northern States Mission
- Chester Joseph Crandall (b. 7 Sep 1895)—21 Jul 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Indiana
- Church unit: South Indiana District, Northern States Mission
- William C. Deichmiller (b. 8 Apr 1876)—24 Jul 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Illinois
- Church unit: South Illinois District, Northern States Mission
- Martha Carr (b. 23 Mar 1865)—4 Sep 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Evansville, Illinois
- Church unit: Evansville Branch, Northern States Mission
- Lydia Loraze Clendenen (b. 11 Feb 1885)—4 Sep 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Evansville, Illinois
- Church unit: Evansville Branch, Northern States Mission
- Lorene Edna Kalinksi (b. 22 Sep 1913)—11 Sep 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Illinois
- Church unit: South Illinois District, Northern States Mission
- Emma Elizabeth Cochran—13 Sep 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Nebraska
- Church unit: East Nebraska District, Western States Mission
- Florence Runswick—25 Sep 1941—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: Los Angeles, California
- Church unit: Wilshire Ward, Los Angeles Stake
- Ruth Bohnett—25 Sep 1941—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: Los Angeles, California
- Church unit: Wilshire Ward, Los Angeles
- Henry James Harmon (b. 19 Nov 1878)—28 Sep 1941—Excommunicated in the “Vaughn Branch, Northwestern States Mission”, which is difficult to locate specifically.
- Location: United States
- Church unit: Vaughn Branch, Northwestern States Mission
- Virginia Miller Green (b. 1 Dec 1914)—1 Oct 1941—Excommunicated in the Chinook Branch in the Northwestern States Mission, which appears to have been located in Chinook, Montana.
- Location: Chinook, Montana
- Church unit: Chinook Branch, Northwestern States Mission
- Elsie Reed Henegar (b. 18 Aug 1914)—12 Oct 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Oklahoma
- Church unit: West Oklahoma District, Central States Mission
- Margaret Leola Bird Harris (b. 29 Oct 1915)—20 Oct 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Terre Haute, Indiana
- Church unit: Terre Haute Branch, Northern States Mission
- Lorenzo Rangel—30 Oct 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico
- Church unit: Piedras Negras Branch, Mexican Mission
- Hendrikus DeBuizer—10 Nov 1941—Excommunicated for apostasy. A likely relative, Gerrit B. J. DeBuizer, Jr., was excommunicated 22 Feb 1942.
- Location: East Orange, New Jersey
- Church unit: East Orange Ward, New York Stake
- Amelia Volmer—2 Dec 1941—Excommunicated for “advocating doctrines contrary to the teachings of the Church”
- Location: Utah
- Church unit: Sugar House Ward, Highland Stake
- Eugene Houston Henegar (b. 19 Apr 1902)—12 Dec 1941—Excommunicated.
- Location: Oklahoma
- Church unit: West Oklahoma District, Central States Mission
- Mercedes L. Hardy—17 Dec 1941—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: Caldwell, Idaho
- Church unit: Caldwell Ward, Nampa Stake
- Marie Moss—28 Dec 1941—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: San Jose, California
- Church unit: San Jose Ward, San Francisco Stake
Owen A. Allred (1914-2005)—1942—Polygamist, United Apostolic Brethren president, race ban supporter—Excommunicated for taking a second wife in 1942. He became leader of the Apostolic United Brethren polygamist group when his brother was murdered by a rival faction. In 1978 when the LDS Church rescinded its ban on black members being ordained or participating in higher temple ordinances, Allred voiced strident opposition to the change, bringing “hundreds” of families into his sect.
- Charlotte M. Staedtler Engel—1 Feb 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: New York, New York
- Church unit: Manhattan Ward, New York Stake
- Hilde M. Staedtler Brandon—1 Feb 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: New York, New York
- Church unit: Manhattan Ward, New York Stake
- Richard L. Staedtler—1 Feb 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: New York, New York
- Church unit: Manhattan Ward, New York Stake
- Frieda M. L. Staedtler—1 Feb 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: New York, New York
- Church unit: Manhattan Ward, New York Stake
- Hildegard E. Staedtler—1 Feb 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: New York, New York
- Church unit: Manhattan Ward, New York Stake
- George J. Lambros—1 Feb 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: New York, New York
- Church unit: Manhattan Ward, New York Stake
- Olga Lambros—1 Feb 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: New York, New York
- Church unit: Manhattan Ward, New York Stake
- Yiota P. Lambros—1 Feb 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: New York, New York
- Church unit: Manhattan Ward, New York Stake
- Henry Deelstra—2 Feb 1942—Excommunicated for adultery.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Nineteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake
- Afton Williams Johnson (b. 6 Jun 1913)—11 Feb 1942—Excommunicated. A pamphlet titled “Something better than Mormonism” was written by a Mrs. Afton Williams Johnson for the Utah Christian Mission.
- Location: Pocatello, Idaho
- Church unit: Pocatello Fifth Ward, Pocatello Stake
- Helmuth Hübener (8 Jan 1925-27 Oct 1942)—15 Feb 1942—Opponent of the Third Reich—Excommunicated without disciplinary council by his branch president, Nazi Supporter Arthur Zander. Posthumously reinstated by the LDS Church in 1946.
- Location: Germany
- Kenneth Edward Livingston (b. 16 May 1916)—17 Feb 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Portsmouth, Ohio
- Church unit: Portsmouth Branch, Northern States Mission
- Sarah Dean Tussey Livingston (b. 10 Jan 1893)—17 Feb 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Portsmouth, Ohio
- Church unit: Portsmouth Branch, Northern States Mission
- William Livingston (b. 28 Jul 1885)—17 Feb 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Portsmouth, Ohio
- Church unit: Portsmouth Branch, Northern States Mission
- Ruth Jane Livingston Porter (b. 23 Apr 1913)—17 Feb 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Portsmouth, Ohio
- Church unit: Portsmouth Branch, Northern States Mission
- Gerrit B. J. DeBuizer, Jr.—22 Feb 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy. A likely relative, Hendrikus DeBuizer, was excommunicated 10 Nov 1941.
- Location: East Orange, New Jersey
- Church unit: East Orange Ward, New York Stake
- Frederick W. Fink—9 Mar 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Southgate Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Arthur Frederick Holland (b. 30 Apr 1898)—22 Mar 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: Canada
- Church unit: Canadian Mission
- Annie Evelyn Gorton Holland (b. 3 May 1901)—22 Mar 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: Canada
- Church unit: Canadian Mission
- Hugh J. Freshwater (b. 22 Mar 1910)—31 Mar 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Second Ward, Liberty Stake
- Frank Dubois (b. 26 Jan 1914)—31 Mar 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Second Ward, Liberty Stake
- Hyrum Francis Syndergaard—8 Apr 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: 14th Ward, Salt Lake Stake
- Essie F. Stokes Zitting—14 Apr 1942—plural marriage advocate—Excommunicated for “advocating plural marriage”.
- Location: Salt Lake County, Utah
- Church unit: Mill Creek Ward
- James Russell Tolman—15 Apr 1942—missionary-turned-soldier—Excommunicated for “unchristian-like conduct in [the] Mission Field”. He had been released from his missionary service 22 Jan 1942, and was inducted into the U.S. army 18 May 1942. (The order of his names appears to have been mistaken in the Improvement Era.)
- Location: New England
- Church unit: New England Mission
- Martha Good—15 Apr 1942—Excommunicated for apostasy.
- Location: New England
- Church unit: New England Mission
- Walter Vernal Morgan—15 Apr 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Tooele, Utah
- Church unit: Tooele 3rd
- Catherine Lucy Collinwood—16 Apr 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Hawthorne Ward, Granite Stake
- Irene McAllister Reeves (b. 1 Nov 1881)—18 Apr 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Kansas
- Church unit: West Kansas District, Central States Mission
- Joseph Detton (26 Dec 1884-13 Mar 1977)—26 Apr 1942—Excommunicated for “immorality”.
- Location: Nampa, Idaho
- Church unit: Nampa 2nd Ward, Nampa Stake
- Lavona Rugg (b. 25 Dec 1920)—29 Apr 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Elmo, Utah
- Church unit: Elmo Ward, Emery Stake
- Inez Edna Penrod Welsh (b. 6 Sep 1903)—4 May 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Ohio
- Church unit: Central Ohio District, Northern States Mission
- Clair Edwin Patterson (b. 1 Aug 1913)—4 May 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Ohio
- Church unit: Central Ohio District, Northern States Mission
- Elizabeth Cecila Matuszzak Bauman (b. 5 Apr 1899)—12 May 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Lyndhurst, Herman, Wisconsin
- Church unit: Lyndhurst Branch, Northern States Mission
- Martin John Schrieber (b. 12 Apr 1908)—12 May 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Lyndhurst, Herman, Wisconsin
- Church unit: Lyndhurst Branch, Northern States Mission
- Kathrine Unfried Jones (b. 28 Dec 1884)—17 May 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Los Angeles, California
- Church unit: Elysian Park Ward, San Fernando Stake
- Parley Kelo Willis (b. 24 Apr 1902)—17 May 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Flagstaff, Arizona
- Church unit: Flagstaff Ward, Snowflake Stake
- Leland George Taylor (b. 11 Jul 1901)—29 May 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Ogden, Utah
- Church unit: Ogden Nineteenth Ward, Weber Stake
- Margaret Price—Jun 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Helper, Utah
- Church unit: Helper Ward, Carbon Stake
- Frederick J. Landis (b. 11 Jun 1902)—8 Jun 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Jamestown, New York
- Church unit: Jamestown Branch, Eastern States Mission
- Robert Cecil Clements (b. 5 Dec 1892)—10 Jun 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Wisconsin
- Church unit: Wisconsin District, Northern States Mission
- Glen Melvin Hays (b. 20 Jul 1909)—17 Jun 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Wisconsin
- Church unit: Wisconsin District, Northern States Mission
- Lucille Evelyn Hays Pederson (b. 29 Apr 1917)—18 Jun 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Wisconsin
- Church unit: Wisconsin District, Northern States Mission
- Pearl Gammon—12 Jul 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Provo, Utah
- Church unit: Provo Second Ward, Utah Stake
- Carl Eugene Chatel (b. 3 Jan 1899)—13 Jul 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Denver, Colorado
- Church unit: Denver First Ward, Denver Stake
- Violet Fraser Barlow (b. 17 Jun 1913)—13 Jul 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Whittier Ward, Wells Stake
- Fern Pierce Pendrak (b. 22 May 1914)—Aug 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Park City, Utah
- Church unit: Park City Second Ward, South Summit Stake
- Vada Triffena Powell Lewis (b. 18 Sep 1911)—3 Aug 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Indiana
- Church unit: North Indiana District, Northern States Mission
- Martha Mae Villers (b. 3 Jun 1922)—3 Aug 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Indiana
- Church unit: North Indiana District, Northern States Mission
- Bert Conrad Silverthorne (b. 1 Sep 1894)—5 Aug 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Ogden, Utah
- Church unit: Ogden Twelfth Ward, Mt. Ogden Stake
- Fern Amack Clark (b. 11 Aug 1918)—11 Aug 1942—Excommunicated on her birthday.
- Location: Kansas
- Church unit: West Kansas District, Central States Mission
- John Joseph Deichmiller (b. 7 Nov 1909)—13 Aug 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Illinois
- Church unit: South Illinois District, Northern States Mission
- Martha Ann Bybee Wattis (b. 23 Dec 1862)—17 Aug 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Riverdale, Utah
- Church unit: Riverdale Ward, Lakeview Stake
- Efraim Amara (b. 10 Mar 1919)—3 Sep 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Chimal, Mexico
- Church unit: Chimal Branch, Mexican Mission
- Francisco Sandoval (b. 17 Sep 1910)—8 Sep 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: La Libertad, Chiapas, Mexico
- Church unit: La Libertad Branch, Mexican Mission
- Brigida Belmont (b. 8 Oct 1922)—8 Sep 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: San Pedro, Mexico
- Church unit: San Pedro Branch, Mexican Mission
- Bernice Edel May Smith (b. 5 Mar 1897)—21 Sep 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
- Church unit: Indianapolis Branch, Northern States Mission
- Wentelina Vandervis (b. 17 Apr 1872)—29 Sep 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Second Ward, Liberty Stake
- Florence Eva Ritter Hall (b. 17 Dec 1883)—5 Oct 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Oakland, California
- Church unit: Maxwell Park Ward, Oakland Stake
- Jacob Cornelius Vandervis (b. 18 Jun 1876)—12 Oct 1942—Excommunicated. He sang bass in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir 1935-1936. It appears he published a booklet titled Why I Left the Mormon Church in 1944.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Second Ward, Liberty Stake
- William Keave Chau (b. 22 Feb 1914)—30 Oct 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Hawaii
- Church unit: Kohala District, Hawaiian Mission
- Rebecca Wailau Kanipae Chau (b. 25 May 1912)—30 Oct 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Hawaii
- Church unit: Kohala District, Hawaiian Mission
- Beatrice Kaualana Kahimae Kaaeamaku (b. 8 Jan 1905)—30 Oct 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Hawaii
- Church unit: Kohala District, Hawaiian Mission
- Suse Soares (b. 26 Jun 1896)—30 Oct 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Hawaii
- Church unit: Kohala District, Hawaiian Mission
- Annie Soares (b. 4 Dec 1896)—30 Oct 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Hawaii
- Church unit: Kohala District, Hawaiian Mission
- Mary Ann Homelani Kahinu Brighter (b. 1888)—31 Oct 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Hawaii
- Church unit: Kohala District, Hawaiian Mission
- James Kalemaemae Brighter (b. 14 Aug 1877)—31 Oct 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Hawaii
- Church unit: Kohala District, Hawaiian Mission
- Adrian Leonard Kearl (b. 11 Apr 1900)—2 Nov 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Ogden, Utah
- Church unit: Ogden Twentyfirst Ward, Ogden Stake
- Sylvia Stella Dunwoody Draves (b. 17 Feb 1884)—16 Nov 1942—Excommunicated, possibly due to involvement with the Church of Christ (Temple Lot) in which she was baptized. Her son (with Wilhelm August Heinrich Draves), William August Draves, founded the Church of Christ with the Elijah Message.
- Location: Colorado
- Church unit: West Colorado District, Western States Mission
- Wilhelmina Jacoba DeBuizer Fillipi (b. 19 Jul 1910)—24 Nov 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: East Orange, New Jersey
- Church unit: East Orange Ward, New York Stake
- Edna May Tonek (b. 5 Oct 1901)—3 Dec 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Bridgeport, Connecticut
- Church unit: Bridgeport Branch, New England Mission
- Maude Emma M. S. Richards Lackey (b. 13 Jan 1877)—21 Dec 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Peoria, Illinois
- Church unit: Peoria Branch, Northern States Mission
- Phyllis Anthea Coburn Nyborg Priebe (b. 11 Apr 1908)—21 Dec 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Peoria, Illinois
- Church unit: Peoria Branch, Northern States Mission
- Thelma Sutrella Richards Tohme (b. 26 Sep 1913)—21 Dec 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Peoria, Illinois
- Church unit: Peoria Branch, Northern States Mission
- John William Shurrum (b. 6 Nov 1887)—21 Dec 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Buhl, Idaho
- Church unit: Buhl Ward, Twin Falls Stake
- Hannah Wilson Shurrum (b. 6 Nov 1885)—21 Dec 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Buhl, Idaho
- Church unit: Buhl Ward, Twin Falls Stake
- Ruth Massey (b. 2 Sep 1901)—28 Dec 1942—Excommunicated.
- Location: Los Angeles, California
- Church unit: Hollywood Ward, Los Angeles Stake
- Gladys Arlena Burns Beck (b. 5 Feb 1899)—23 Feb 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Oakland, California
- Church unit: Oakland Ward, Oakland Stake
- John Jongkindt (b. 10 Jan 1896)—Mar 1943—Excommunicated, probably for practicing polygamy as he had published a piece titled “Acquiescence” in prior excommunicant Joseph White Musser’s Truth Magazine, vol. 3, no. 11.
- Location: Hawthorne, California
- Church unit: Centinela Ward, Inglewood Stake
- Thomas William Collings (b. 27 Apr 1887)—8 Mar 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Magna, Utah
- Church unit: Pleasant Green Ward, Oquirrh Stake
- Reginald Rochell Brown (b. 2 Jul 1914)—21 Mar 1943—Excommunicated in United Kingdom by the South Lords District, British Mission.
- Location: United Kingdom
- Church unit: South Lords District, British Mission
- Lulu Geraldine Varney Richardson (b. 25 Nov 1909)—9 Apr 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Church unit: Cambridge Branch, New England Mission
- Richard Cleave Fitzpatrick (b. 4 May 1906)—20 Apr 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Colonia Dublán, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Church unit: Dublan Branch, Juarez Stake
- Frank L. Doxford (b. 2 Aug 1918)—13 May 1943—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Twenty-fourth Ward, Salt Lake Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Twenty-fourth Ward, Salt Lake Stake
- Erwin Campbell (b. 5 Aug 1895)—30 May 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Twenty-fourth Ward, Salt Lake Stake
- Robert Garfield Terrell (b. 15 Jan 1907)—21 Jun 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Erie, Pennsylvania
- Morton H. Proctor (b. 23 Feb 1896)—1 Jul 1943—Excommunicated in South Salt Lake, Utah by the Southgate Ward, South Salt Lake Stake.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Southgate Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Lawrence Clyde Gowell (b. 23 Sep 1909)—16 Jul 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Church unit: Cambridge Branch, New England Mission
- Della Estella Gowell (b. 3 Jun 1901)—16 Jul 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Church unit: Cambridge Branch, New England Mission
- Ina May Gowell (b. 14 Jun 1900)—16 Jul 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Church unit: Cambridge Branch, New England Mission
- Karl Gottlieb Kirstein—9 Aug 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Brazil
- Church unit: Princesa Isabel District?, Brazilian Mission
- Ethel Walker Holly (b. 1 Apr 1887)—10 Aug 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Buffalo, New York
- Church unit: Buffalo Branch, Eastern States Mission
- James LeRoy Athay (b. 10 Aug 1890)—16 Aug 1943—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Thirteenth Ward, Emigration Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Thirteenth Ward, Emigration Stake
- Carl James Brown—20 Aug 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Church unit: Cambridge Branch, New England Mission
- Ruth Alberta Gray Forster (b. 13 Mar 1921)—24 Aug 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Denver, Colorado
- Church unit: Barnum Ward, Denver Stake
- Frank Perry, Sr. (b. 25 Jun 1899)—24 Aug 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Denver, Colorado
- Church unit: Barnum Ward, Denver Stake
- Frank Perry, Jr. (b. 15 Aug 1925)—24 Aug 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Denver, Colorado
- Church unit: Barnum Ward, Denver Stake
- Luella Perry (b. 11 Jun 1903)—24 Aug 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Denver, Colorado
- Church unit: Barnum Ward, Denver Stake
- Luella Marie Perry (b. 15 Aug 1925)—24 Aug 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Denver, Colorado
- Church unit: Barnum Ward, Denver Stake
- Edna Katherine Kaggie Blair (b. 5 Jun 1915)—29 Aug 1943—Excommunicated in Sparks, Nevada by the Sparks Ward, Reno Stake.
- Location: Sparks, Nevada
- Church unit: Sparks Ward, Reno Stake
- Grant Holly (b. 22 Oct 1886)—30 Aug 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Buffalo, New York
- Church unit: Buffalo Branch, Eastern States Mission
- Archibald Hoffman (b. 2 Jul 1892)—19 Sep 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Central Park Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Paul Everett Bourne (b. 3 Aug 1920)—15 Oct 1943—Excommunicated in New England by the Lanford Branch, New England Mission.
- Location: New England
- Church unit: Lanford Branch, New England Mission
- Gertrude Harris Hammond (b. 12 Sep 1910)—15 Oct 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Church unit: Cambridge Branch, New England Mission
- Johanne Butchereit (b. 24 Dec 1876)—2 Nov 1943—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Second Ward, Liberty Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Second Ward, Liberty Stake
- Richard R. Lyman (23 Nov 1870-31 Dec 1963)—12 Nov 1943—Apostle—Excommunicated for cohabitating with Anna Jacobsen Hegsted, a woman he considered his plural wife. He was rebaptized 27 Oct 1954 but not restored to the apostleship.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Mary Louise Bird Savage (b. 28 Nov 1895)—23 Nov 1943—Excommunicated in Sheridan, Wyoming by the Sheridan Branch, Western States Mission?. Her husband, Jesse Mathers Savage, was excommunicated the same day. (The Improvement Era gives their church unit as being in the “Northwestern States Mission”, but this is likely in error, as all references to a Sheridan Branch which I can find are connected with Sheridan, Wyoming in the “Western States Mission”, which appears to have contained Wyoming in the early 1940s.)
- Location: Sheridan, Wyoming
- Church unit: Sheridan Branch, Western States Mission?
- Jesse Mathers Savage (19 Jul 1898-6 May 1972)—23 Nov 1943—Excommunicated in Sheridan, Wyoming by the Sheridan Branch, Western States Mission?. His wife, Mary Louise Bird Savage, was excommunicated the same day. (The Improvement Era gives their church unit as being in the “Northwestern States Mission”, but this is likely in error, as all references to a Sheridan Branch which I can find are connected with Sheridan, Wyoming in the “Western States Mission”, which appears to have contained Wyoming in the early 1940s.)
- Location: Sheridan, Wyoming
- Church unit: Sheridan Branch, Western States Mission?
- Marjorie Ellen Braden Sprague (b. 14 Jul 1912)—23 Nov 1943—Excommunicated in United States or Canada by the Northwestern States Mission.
- Location: United States or Canada
- Church unit: Northwestern States Mission
- Hugh S. Wayman (b. 23 Aug 1897)—25 Nov 1943—Excommunicated. This may be the same Hugh Wayman who shot and killed Emery County Sheriff William L. Black in 1936, was convicted of second degree murder, was imprisoned, and then was paroled in 1943.
- Location: Ferron, Utah
- Alice Pearl Sterner Knosp (b. 11 Sep 1913)—26 Nov 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Ogden, Utah
- Church unit: Ogden Twenty-second Ward, Weber Stake
- Arlene Ruth Doherty (b. 18 Dec 1924)—3 Dec 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Church unit: Cambridge Branch, New England Mission
- Jesse N. Beagley (20 Jun 1907-24 Oct 1990)—6 Dec 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Tooele, Utah
- Church unit: Tooele Second Ward, Tooele Stake
- Joseph Heber Hancock (b. 1 Feb 1892)—11 Dec 1943—Excommunicated alongside his wife, Edith Kaziah Soderborg.
- Location: Kanab, Utah
- Church unit: Kanab Stake
- Edith Kaziah Soderborg (b. 18 Oct 1907)—11 Dec 1943—Excommunicated alongside her husband, Joseph Heber Hancock.
- Location: Kanab, Utah
- Church unit: Kanab Stake
- Lorraine Brossard (b. 9 Jan 1920)—12 Dec 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Yale Ward, Bonneville Stake
- Virgil John Zenz (10 Jun 1906-18 Oct 1969)—13 Dec 1943—Excommunicated alongside his wife, Lola Rhodes Zenz, and son, William Frank Zenz.
- Location: Bountiful, Utah
- Church unit: Bountiful Third Ward, South Davis Stake
- Lola Rhodes Zenz (6 Feb 1909-24 May 1997)—13 Dec 1943—Excommunicated alongside her husband, Virgil John Zenz, and son, William Frank Zenz.
- Location: Bountiful, Utah
- Church unit: Bountiful Third Ward, South Davis Stake
- William Frank Zenz (b. 24 Apr 1926)—13 Dec 1943—Excommunicated alongside his parents, Virgil John Zenz and Lola Rhodes Zenz.
- Location: Bountiful, Utah
- Church unit: Bountiful Third Ward, South Davis Stake
- Theo Stocking Anderson (14 Aug 1894-24 Jan 1988)—15 Dec 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Pocatello, Idaho
- Church unit: Pocatello First Ward, Pocatello Stake
- Deronda Verdell Farnsworth (b. 17 Nov 1905)—29 Dec 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Ogden, Utah
- Church unit: Ogden Twenty-second Ward, Weber Stake
- Estella Schwendiman Smith (b. 24 Apr 1911)—31 Dec 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Burbank, California
- Church unit: Burbank Branch, San Fernando Stake
- Zona D. Peterson Smith (b. 27 Jan 1914)—31 Dec 1943—Excommunicated.
- Location: Burbank, California
- Church unit: Burbank Branch, San Fernando Stake
- Roy Courtney Marsden (b. 14 Jul 1896)—1944—Excommunicated in Texas by the North Texas District, Texas Mission.
- Location: Texas
- Church unit: North Texas District, Texas Mission
- Elva Wright (b. 19 May 1924)—1944—Excommunicated in Texas by the North Texas District, Texas Mission.
- Location: Texas
- Church unit: North Texas District, Texas Mission
- Larkin Harris Egbert (8 Mar 1906-18 Dec 1982)—2 Jan 1944—Excommunicated at her own request.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: First Ward, Park Stake
- Delvin Horace White (b. 29 Feb 1891)—14 Jan 1944—Excommunicated.
- Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Church unit: Cambridge Branch, New England Mission
- Elsie Belle Gould White (b. 27 Aug 1896)—14 Jan 1944—Excommunicated.
- Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Church unit: Cambridge Branch, New England Mission
- LeGrand Lindsley (b. 22 Mar 1920)—16 Jan 1944—Excommunicated.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: First Ward, Park Stake
- Barbara Jean Heath (b. 4 Mar 1924)—22 Jan 1944—Excommunicated in Los Angles, California by the La Cienega Ward, Inglewood Stake.
- Location: Los Angles, California
- Church unit: La Cienega Ward, Inglewood Stake
- Earl Marshall (b. 8 Mar 1903)—22 Jan 1944—Excommunicated in Nebraska by the East Nebraska District, Western States Mission.
- Location: Nebraska
- Church unit: East Nebraska District, Western States Mission
- Rudolph Helmer Gylling (2 Jan 1903-16 May 1988)—27 Jan 1944—Excommunicated in Denver, Colorado by the Denver First Ward, Denver Stake.
- Location: Denver, Colorado
- Church unit: Denver First Ward, Denver Stake
- Samuel Ray Allen (b. 6 Feb 1894)—30 Jan 1944—Excommunicated in La Grande, Oregon by the La Grande Second Ward, Union Stake.
- Location: La Grande, Oregon
- Church unit: La Grande Second Ward, Union Stake
- Carolyn June Anderson Sexauer (b. 16 Jan 1908)—3 Feb 1944—Excommunicated in San Diego, California by the College Ward, San Diego Stake.
- Location: San Diego, California
- Church unit: College Ward, San Diego Stake
- Ronald Duane Sexauer (b. 22 Dec 1929)—3 Feb 1944—Excommunicated in San Diego, California by the College Ward, San Diego Stake.
- Location: San Diego, California
- Church unit: College Ward, San Diego Stake
- Gerald Michael Sexauer (b. 10 Aug 1936)—3 Feb 1944—Excommunicated in San Diego, California by the College Ward, San Diego Stake.
- Location: San Diego, California
- Church unit: College Ward, San Diego Stake
- Arthur Budvarson (b. 4 Apr 1909)—3 Feb 1944—Excommunicated alongside his wife, Edna Budvarson, with whom he later founded the Utah Christian Tract Society, as well as their daughter, Dona Mae Budvarson. He explained his disaffection from the church as resulting from a conversion to biblical Christianity as opposed to Mormonism. He later published The Book of Mormon, true or false?, a critique of the Book of Mormon.
- Location: San Diego, California
- Church unit: College Ward, San Diego Stake
- Edna May Anderson Budvarson (b. 23 Dec 1911)—3 Feb 1944—Excommunicated alongside her husband, Arthur Budvarson, with whom she later founded the Utah Christian Tract Society, as well as their daughter, Dona Mae Budvarson.
- Location: San Diego, California
- Church unit: College Ward, San Diego Stake
- Dona Mae Budvarson (b. 19 Mar 1930)—3 Feb 1944—Excommunicated at age thirteen with her parents, Arthur and Edna Budvarson.
- Location: San Diego, California
- Church unit: College Ward, San Diego Stake
- Elizabeth C. Gadbury (b. 13 Jul 1899)—13 Feb 1944—Excommunicated in Burbank, California by the Burbank Ward, San Fernando Stake.
- Location: Burbank, California
- Church unit: Burbank Ward, San Fernando Stake
- Evalyn Effigene Clark Carman (b. 24 Jun 1912)—14 Feb 1944—Excommunicated in La Grande, Oregon by the La Grande Second Ward, Union Stake.
- Location: La Grande, Oregon
- Church unit: La Grande Second Ward, Union Stake
- Iva Mae Clarson Holmes (b. 13 Oct 1913)—14 Feb 1944—Excommunicated in La Grande, Oregon by the La Grande Second Ward, Union Stake.
- Location: La Grande, Oregon
- Church unit: La Grande Second Ward, Union Stake
- Joseph Bertrand Dana (b. 1 Aug 1903)—14 Feb 1944—Excommunicated in Ogden, Utah by the Ogden Tenth Ward, North Weber Stake.
- Location: Ogden, Utah
- Church unit: Ogden Tenth Ward, North Weber Stake
- Heber Chase Smith, Jr. (b. 24 Mar 1916)—15 Feb 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Sixth-Seventh Ward, Pioneer Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Sixth-Seventh Ward, Pioneer Stake
- Carol Loraine Murphy (b. 15 Jul 1933)—17 Feb 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Lincoln Ward, Granite Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Lincoln Ward, Granite Stake
- Ellen Winnifred Haysey Chandler (b. 19 Jun 1889)—18 Feb 1944—Excommunicated in Calgary, Alberta, Canada by the Calgary Ward, Lethbridge Stake.
- Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- Church unit: Calgary Ward, Lethbridge Stake
- William Henry Chandler (b. 22 Dec 1877)—18 Feb 1944—Excommunicated in Calgary, Alberta, Canada by the Calgary Ward, Lethbridge Stake.
- Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- Church unit: Calgary Ward, Lethbridge Stake
- Irene Davis Lamb Brisk (b. 6 Oct 1900)—20 Feb 1944—Excommunicated in Copperton, Utah by the Copperton Branch?, Bingham Stake?.
- Location: Copperton, Utah
- Church unit: Copperton Branch?, Bingham Stake?
- Grant Allyn Caproni (b. 10 Dec 1880)—27 Feb 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Wandamere Ward, Grant Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Wandamere Ward, Grant Stake
- Charles Gray Cluff (b. 4 Oct 1905)—13 Mar 1944—Excommunicated in Newton, Utah by the Newton Ward, Smithfield Stake.
- Location: Newton, Utah
- Church unit: Newton Ward, Smithfield Stake
- Corine Woodward Grivet (b. 5 Dec 1910)—13 Mar 1944—Excommunicated in Helper, Utah by the Helper Ward, Carbon Stake.
- Location: Helper, Utah
- Church unit: Helper Ward, Carbon Stake
- Olive Reed Nilson (11 Feb 1902-24 Oct 1991)—13 Mar 1944—Excommunicated in Helper, Utah by the Helper Ward, Carbon Stake.
- Location: Helper, Utah
- Church unit: Helper Ward, Carbon Stake
- John McLaughlan, Jr. (b. 8 Jul 1910)—14 Mar 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Thirtieth Ward, Pioneer Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Thirtieth Ward, Pioneer Stake
- Mildred P. J. McLaughlan (b. 28 Feb 1913)—14 Mar 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Thirtieth Ward, Pioneer Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Thirtieth Ward, Pioneer Stake
- Clark LeRoy Tyler (b. 13 Jul 1905)—20 Mar 1944—Excommunicated in Los Angeles, California by the Manchester Ward, South Los Angeles Stake.
- Location: Los Angeles, California
- Church unit: Manchester Ward, South Los Angeles Stake
- George Franklin Hartvigson (b. 15 Jul 1882)—26 Mar 1944—Excommunicated in LaGrande, Oregon by the LaGrande Second Ward, Union Oregon Stake.
- Location: LaGrande, Oregon
- Church unit: LaGrande Second Ward, Union Oregon Stake
- Joseph Waite Hunter (b. 20 May 1893)—31 Mar 1944—Excommunicated in Emmett, Idaho by the Emmett Ward, Weiser Stake.
- Location: Emmett, Idaho
- Church unit: Emmett Ward, Weiser Stake
- Thelma C. Voight (b. 11 Feb 1906)—3 Apr 1944—Excommunicated in Oakland, California by the Dimond Ward, Oakland Stake.
- Location: Oakland, California
- Church unit: Dimond Ward, Oakland Stake
- Duane Furnell Gee (b. 2 Dec 1918)—5 Apr 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Harvard Ward, Liberty Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Harvard Ward, Liberty Stake
- Clarence Watson Bowman (b. 13 May 1904)—11 Apr 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Harvard Ward, Liberty Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Harvard Ward, Liberty Stake
- Paul Carl Hilgendorff (b. 27 Feb 1875)—16 Apr 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Nibley Park Ward, Granite Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Nibley Park Ward, Granite Stake
- Lloyd Franklin Anderson (b. 16 Nov 1913)—17 Apr 1944—Excommunicated in San Diego, California by the North Park Ward, San Diego Stake.
- Location: San Diego, California
- Church unit: North Park Ward, San Diego Stake
- Ross Wesley LeBaron (b. 16 Nov 1914)—18 Apr 1944—later Church of the Firstborn founder—Excommunicated alongside his wife, Thelma Elena Cox LeBaron. The son of excommunicant Alma Dayer LeBaron, Sr.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Third Ward, Liberty Stake
- Thelma Elena Cox LeBaron (b. 4 Aug 1918)—18 Apr 1944—Excommunicated alongside her husband, Ross Wesley LeBaron.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Third Ward, Liberty Stake
- Howard W. Long (b. 7 Feb 1892)—20 Apr 1944—Excommunicated in Thatcher, Arizona by the Thatcher Ward, St. Joseph Stake.
- Location: Thatcher, Arizona
- Church unit: Thatcher Ward, St. Joseph Stake
- Kenneth S. Lambert (b. 19 Jan 1906)—30 Apr 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Grandview Ward, Grant Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Grandview Ward, Grant Stake
- Joel Franklin LeBaron (9 Jul 1923-20 Aug 1972)—2 May 1944—Excommunicated in Colonia Dublán, Chihuahua, Mexico by the Dublan First Ward, Juarez Stake, Mexican Mission for apostasy and opposition to the Church in teaching principles contrary to church beliefs. A son of excommunicant Alma Dayer LeBaron, Sr.. He was murdered under orders from his brother, Ervil LeBaron, the leader of a rival polygamous sect.
- Location: Colonia Dublán, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Church unit: Dublan First Ward, Juarez Stake, Mexican Mission
- Clarence Palmer (b. 6 May 1927)—7 May 1944—Excommunicated in Santa Monica, California by the Santa Monica Ward, Inglewood Stake.
- Location: Santa Monica, California
- Church unit: Santa Monica Ward, Inglewood Stake
- Vincent Bousfield (b. 28 Feb 1895)—7 May 1944—Excommunicated in Santa Monica, California by the Santa Monica Ward, Inglewood Stake.
- Location: Santa Monica, California
- Church unit: Santa Monica Ward, Inglewood Stake
- Mary Alice Anderson McColl (b. 5 Mar 1903)—15 May 1944—Excommunicated in Redwood City, California by the Redwood City Ward, San Francisco Stake.
- Location: Redwood City, California
- Church unit: Redwood City Ward, San Francisco Stake
- Mary Beneham Sherrill (b. 19 Mar 1900)—20 May 1944—Excommunicated in Bay City, Texas by the Bay City Branch, Texas Mission.
- Location: Bay City, Texas
- Church unit: Bay City Branch, Texas Mission
- Grant G. Woodward (b. 4 Aug 1899)—21 May 1944—Excommunicated in Reno, Nevada by the Reno Ward, Reno Stake.
- Location: Reno, Nevada
- Church unit: Reno Ward, Reno Stake
- Edna Isabell Rae Noble (b. 18 Mar 1893)—1 Jun 1944—Excommunicated in Wharton, Texas by the Wharton Branch, Texas Mission.
- Location: Wharton, Texas
- Church unit: Wharton Branch, Texas Mission
- Charles August Wall (b. 30 Dec 1905)—4 Jun 1944—Excommunicated in Logan, Utah by the Logan Tenth Ward, Cache Stake.
- Location: Logan, Utah
- Church unit: Logan Tenth Ward, Cache Stake
- Benjamin T. LeBaron (b. 2 May 1913)—6 Jun 1944—Excommunicated in Mexico by the Mexican Mission. A son of excommunicant Alma Dayer LeBaron, Sr..
- Location: Mexico
- Church unit: Mexican Mission
- Doris Rogerson Gilmore (b. 2 Jul 1911)—8 Jun 1944—Excommunicated in Carlin, Nevada by the Carlin Ward, Humboldt Stake.
- Location: Carlin, Nevada
- Church unit: Carlin Ward, Humboldt Stake
- Alma Dayer LeBaron, Jr. (b. 2 Apr 1918)—9 Jun 1944—polygamous patriarch—Excommunicated in Mexico by the Mexican Mission. He founded a polygamous family in Mexico under the influence of excommunicant Joseph White Musser.
- Location: Mexico
- Church unit: Mexican Mission
- Ervil M. LeBaron (22 Feb 1925-15 Aug 1981)—6 or 9 Jun 1944—murderous polygamist, Church of the First Born of the Lamb of God founder—Excommunicated in Colonia Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico by the Juarez Ward, Juarez Stake. He founded a faction of the LeBaron family, the Church of the First Born of the Lamb of God, and ordered the murder of his rival, prior excommunicant Joel LeBaron, as well as numerous others. He was eventually convicted of murder in Utah and died in prison.
- Location: Colonia Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Church unit: Juarez Ward, Juarez Stake
- Edmund Richard Guenther (b. 11 Dec 1889)—10 Jun 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Thirty-second Ward, Pioneer Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Thirty-second Ward, Pioneer Stake
- Helen Dorothy Dudley Fuller (b. 26 Mar 1911)—13 Jun 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the South Twentieth Ward, Ensign Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: South Twentieth Ward, Ensign Stake
- Lavetta Coleman Wall (b. 18 Jan 1912)—15 Jun 1944—Excommunicated in Logan, Utah by the Logan Tenth Ward, Cache Stake.
- Location: Logan, Utah
- Church unit: Logan Tenth Ward, Cache Stake
- Grace A. Forsey Neal (b. 26 May 1888)—26 Jun 1944—Excommunicated in Inglewood, California by the Inglewood Ward, Inglewood Stake.
- Location: Inglewood, California
- Church unit: Inglewood Ward, Inglewood Stake
- Johannes Nieman (b. 24 Dec 1908)—2 Jul 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Sixteenth Ward, Riverside Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Sixteenth Ward, Riverside Stake
- Alfred Dean Ball (b. 14 May 1908)—7 Aug 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Twenty-fifth Ward, Pioneer Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Twenty-fifth Ward, Pioneer Stake
- Arthur Van Steeter (b. 2 Apr 1891)—10 Aug 1944—Excommunicated in Magna, Utah by the Magna Ward, Oquirrh Stake.
- Location: Magna, Utah
- Church unit: Magna Ward, Oquirrh Stake
- Sylvia A. Sheppard Van Steeter (b. 7 Mar 1895)—10 Aug 1944—Excommunicated in Magna, Utah by the Magna Ward, Oquirrh Stake.
- Location: Magna, Utah
- Church unit: Magna Ward, Oquirrh Stake
- A. Demar Dudley (b. 6 May 1901)—10 Aug 1944—Excommunicated in Jensen, Utah by the Jensen Ward, Uintah Stake.
- Location: Jensen, Utah
- Church unit: Jensen Ward, Uintah Stake
- Mada Ann Shelley Dudley (b. 12 May 1900)—10 Aug 1944—Excommunicated in Jensen, Utah by the Jensen Ward, Uintah Stake.
- Location: Jensen, Utah
- Church unit: Jensen Ward, Uintah Stake
- Ellwood Emil Schlaepfer (b. 13 Jun 1910)—23 Aug 1944—Excommunicated in Manhattan, New York City, New York.
- Location: Manhattan, New York City, New York
- Marion Cecila Kirkpatrick Butters (b. 16 Apr 1902)—5 Sep 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Eighth Ward, Liberty Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Eighth Ward, Liberty Stake
- Maria (Tena) Rascon (b. 24 May 1885)—9 Sep 1944—Excommunicated in El Paso, Texas by the El Paso, Spanish-American Mission.
- Location: El Paso, Texas
- Church unit: El Paso, Spanish-American Mission
- Maximino Gomez (b. 8 Jun 1885)—9 Sep 1944—Excommunicated in El Paso, Texas by the El Paso, Spanish-American Mission.
- Location: El Paso, Texas
- Church unit: El Paso, Spanish-American Mission
- Simon Marshall (b. 6 Dec 1913)—9 Sep 1944—Excommunicated in El Paso, Texas by the El Paso, Spanish-American Mission.
- Location: El Paso, Texas
- Church unit: El Paso, Spanish-American Mission
- Virginia DeLos Rios de Howe (b. 15 Nov 1911)—9 Sep 1944—Excommunicated in El Paso, Texas by the El Paso, Spanish-American Mission.
- Location: El Paso, Texas
- Church unit: El Paso, Spanish-American Mission
- Maria De Lopez Morales (b. 10 Apr 1904)—13 Sep 1944—Excommunicated in Rio Grande Valley, Texas by the Lower Valley, Spanish-American Mission.
- Location: Rio Grande Valley, Texas
- Church unit: Lower Valley, Spanish-American Mission
- Ellis R. Shipp Musser (b. 24 Jul 1879)—18 Sep 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Yale Ward, Bonneville Stake for being out of harmony with the doctrines and teachings of the Church and the law of the land. Third wife of prior excommunicant Joseph White Musser.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Yale Ward, Bonneville Stake
- Edna Ada Marrihew Kinney (b. 6 Jun 1903)—19 Sep 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Emerson Ward, Sugarhouse Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Emerson Ward, Sugarhouse Stake
- Carmen Alvarez (b. 28 Apr 1915)—1 Oct 1944—Excommunicated in El Paso, Texas by the El Paso, Spanish-American Mission.
- Location: El Paso, Texas
- Church unit: El Paso, Spanish-American Mission
- Benito Estrada (b. 14 Jul 1904)—1 Oct 1944—Excommunicated in El Paso, Texas by the El Paso, Spanish-American Mission.
- Location: El Paso, Texas
- Church unit: El Paso, Spanish-American Mission
- Peter J. Smith (b. 3 Nov 1903)—3 Oct 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Tenth Ward, Park Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Tenth Ward, Park Stake
- Claire Cross Olmstead (b. 12 Jul 1908)—4 Oct 1944—Excommunicated in Buffalo, New York by the Buffalo Branch, Eastern States Mission.
- Location: Buffalo, New York
- Church unit: Buffalo Branch, Eastern States Mission
- Eliza A. Pugh Steed (b. 23 Nov 1907)—16 Oct 1944—Excommunicated in Garfield, Utah by the Antimony Ward, Garfield Stake.
- Location: Garfield, Utah
- Church unit: Antimony Ward, Garfield Stake
- Newell Steed (b. 4 Oct 1902)—16 Oct 1944—Excommunicated in Garfield, Utah by the Antimony Ward, Garfield Stake.
- Location: Garfield, Utah
- Church unit: Antimony Ward, Garfield Stake
- Leah Matson Tuft (b. 16 Sep 1916)—22 Oct 1944—Excommunicated in Los Angles, California by the La Cienega Ward, Inglewood Stake.
- Location: Los Angles, California
- Church unit: La Cienega Ward, Inglewood Stake
- George Wallace Bird (b. 7 Jan 1914)—24 Oct 1944—Excommunicated in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada by the Edmonton Branch, Western Canadian Mission.
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- Church unit: Edmonton Branch, Western Canadian Mission
- Sarah Blodwin Groo (b. 25 Feb 1909)—Nov 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Twenty-fourth Ward, Salt Lake Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Twenty-fourth Ward, Salt Lake Stake
- Milton Marsh Groo (b. 26 Sep 1901)—Nov 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Twenty-fourth Ward, Salt Lake Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Twenty-fourth Ward, Salt Lake Stake
- Martha Ellen Cornwall Waite (b. 28 Sep 1891)—1 Nov 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Twenty-first Ward, Emigration Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Twenty-first Ward, Emigration Stake
- Margaret May Graham Musser (b. 19 May 1908)—16 Nov 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Lincoln Ward, Granite Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Lincoln Ward, Granite Stake
- Katherine Wallace Mills (b. 11 Apr 1906)—19 Nov 1944—Excommunicated in Sacramento, California by the Sacramento Ward, Sacramento Stake.
- Location: Sacramento, California
- Church unit: Sacramento Ward, Sacramento Stake
- Christian Fritz Max Oeser (b. 23 Aug 1906)—21 Nov 1944—Excommunicated in Independence, Missouri by the Independence Branch, Central States Mission.
- Location: Independence, Missouri
- Church unit: Independence Branch, Central States Mission
- James Edmond (Lohmiller) Reese (b. 21 May 1915)—30 Nov 1944—Excommunicated in Pueblo, Colorado by the Pueblo Ward, Denver Stake.
- Location: Pueblo, Colorado
- Church unit: Pueblo Ward, Denver Stake
- Susie Mae Thompson (b. 31 May 1885)—30 Nov 1944—Excommunicated in Pueblo, Colorado by the Pueblo Ward, Denver Stake.
- Location: Pueblo, Colorado
- Church unit: Pueblo Ward, Denver Stake
- Olive Young (b. 18 Aug 1920)—11 Dec 1944—Excommunicated in Kanab, Utah by the Kanab North Ward, Kanab Stake.
- Location: Kanab, Utah
- Church unit: Kanab North Ward, Kanab Stake
- Walter Linke (b. 21 May 1886)—18 Dec 1944—Excommunicated in Berkeley, California by the Berkeley Ward, Oakland Stake.
- Location: Berkeley, California
- Church unit: Berkeley Ward, Oakland Stake
- Margaret Johnston Buchan Marshall (b. 7 Jun 1890)—19 Dec 1944—Excommunicated in East Orange, New Jersey by the East Orange Ward, New York Stake. The Improvement Era claims East Orange, New York as the location of excommunication, but there is no such city. We take this to mean East Orange Ward, New York Stake, located in New Jersey.
- Location: East Orange, New Jersey
- Church unit: East Orange Ward, New York Stake
- Frederick Lucas Richardson (b. 11 Oct 1920)—27 Dec 1944—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Douglas Ward, Bonneville Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Douglas Ward, Bonneville Stake
- Eugene Plamer Reif (b. 17 Feb 1915)—1945?—Excommunicated in San Diego, California by the Logan Heights Ward, San Diego Stake.
- Location: San Diego, California
- Church unit: Logan Heights Ward, San Diego Stake
- Deseret Rosetta Collings Peterson (b. 27 Feb 1893)—1945?—Excommunicated in Garfield, Utah by the Garfield East Ward, Oquirrh Stake for apostasy.
- Location: Garfield, Utah
- Church unit: Garfield East Ward, Oquirrh Stake
- John Ernest Adams, Jr. (b. 15 Sep 1891)—6 Jan 1945—Excommunicated in Blanding, Utah by the Blanding Ward, San Juan Stake.
- Location: Blanding, Utah
- Church unit: Blanding Ward, San Juan Stake
- Thomas Scott Marshall (b. 18 Jan 1885)—10 Jan 1945—Excommunicated in East Orange, New Jersey by the East Orange Ward, New York Stake. The Improvement Era claims East Orange, New York as the location of excommunication, but there is no such city. We take this to mean East Orange Ward, New York Stake, located in New Jersey.
- Location: East Orange, New Jersey
- Church unit: East Orange Ward, New York Stake
- Guy Hill Musser (b. 13 Nov 1910)—14 Jan 1945—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Lincoln Ward, Granite Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Lincoln Ward, Granite Stake
- Maurice Lerrie Glendenning (15 Feb 1891-1969)—15 Jan 1945—Founder of the Aaronic Order or House of Aaron sect—Excommunicated for being the “[i]nstigator of [the] ‘Aaronic Order’” because he founded a religious sect apart from the LDS church on the basis of revelations he claimed to receive from the “Angel Elias”. He had grown up hearing “heavenly music”, “angelic poetry”, and “doctrinal and philosophical statements” within his own mind, and joined the LDS Church at least in part due to resonances between his revelations and the theology of the church. In 1942 he formally organized the Aaronic Order as a church, for which he was ultimately excommunicated in 1945. His major revelations were 1944’s Book of Elias, or the Record of John, 1948’s New Revelations for the Book of Elias, or the Record of John, and 1955’s Disciple Book, which were later collected as The Levitical Writings.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Eldredge Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Clarence Darrow Coombs (b. 7 Dec 1907)—21 Jan 1945—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Twenty-fifth Ward, Pioneer Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Twenty-fifth Ward, Pioneer Stake
- Lois Virginia Long Whitlock (b. 13 Jul 1923)—by Jan 1945—Excommunicated in Thatcher, Arizona by the Thatcher Ward, St. Joseph Stake.
- Location: Thatcher, Arizona
- Church unit: Thatcher Ward, St. Joseph Stake
- Portia Olson Beeson (b. 1 Nov 1890)—4 Feb 1945—Excommunicated in Claremont, Oakland, California by the Claremont Branch, Oakland Stake.
- Location: Claremont, Oakland, California
- Church unit: Claremont Branch, Oakland Stake
- Albert George Jukes (b. 30 Nov 1906)—18 Feb 1945—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Poplar Grove Ward, Pioneer Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Poplar Grove Ward, Pioneer Stake
- Bertha Alice Jones Eddy (b. 26 Oct 1875)—24 Feb 1945—Excommunicated in Saskatchewan, Canada by the North Central States Mission.
- Location: Saskatchewan, Canada
- Church unit: North Central States Mission
- Eliza Ann Parry Meservy (b. 28 Jun 1883)—21 Mar 1945—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Nineteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Nineteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake
- Merl D. Whitehead (b. 2 Aug 1898)—31 Mar 1945—Excommunicated in Holladay, Utah by the Valley View Ward, Big Cottonwood Stake.
- Location: Holladay, Utah
- Church unit: Valley View Ward, Big Cottonwood Stake
- Mary Virginia Templeman Whitehead (b. 30 Aug 1918)—31 Mar 1945—Excommunicated in Holladay, Utah by the Valley View Ward, Big Cottonwood Stake.
- Location: Holladay, Utah
- Church unit: Valley View Ward, Big Cottonwood Stake
- Kenneth Farnsworth (b. 19 Jan 1902)—9 Apr 1945—Excommunicated in South Salt Lake, Utah by the Central Park Ward, South Salt Lake Stake.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Central Park Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Charles Albert Sprague (b. 6 Dec 1912)—15 Apr 1945—Excommunicated in Batavia, New York by the Batavia Branch, Eastern States Mission for apostasy.
- Location: Batavia, New York
- Church unit: Batavia Branch, Eastern States Mission
- Alyce Newhouse Sprague (b. 10 Dec 1920)—15 Apr 1945—Excommunicated in Batavia, New York by the Batavia Branch, Eastern States Mission for apostasy.
- Location: Batavia, New York
- Church unit: Batavia Branch, Eastern States Mission
- Walter Clare Card—16 Apr 1945—Excommunicated for being “[a]ffiliated with [the] ‘Aaronic Order’”.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Eldredge Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Walter Clare Card (b. 3 May 1898)—16 Apr 1945—Excommunicated in South Salt Lake, Utah by the Eldredge Ward, South Salt Lake Stake.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Eldredge Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Olive Allred Kunz (b. 1 May 1910)—25 Apr 1945—Excommunicated in Granite, Utah by the Granite Ward, Mt. Jordan Stake for being out of harmony with the doctrines and teachings of the Church and the law of the land.
- Location: Granite, Utah
- Church unit: Granite Ward, Mt. Jordan Stake
- William C. H. Schrader (b. 10 Jun 1892)—30 Apr 1945—Excommunicated in South Salt Lake, Utah by the Burton Ward, South Salt Lake Stake for joining the so-called Order of Aaron.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Burton Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Herlinda Flores (b. 25 Oct 1915)—2 May 1945—Excommunicated in Colonia Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico by the Mexican Branch, Juarez Stake for violating the law of chastity.
- Location: Colonia Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Church unit: Mexican Branch, Juarez Stake
- Fidel Flores (b. 12 Jan 1917)—2 May 1945—Excommunicated in Colonia Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico by the Mexican Branch, Juarez Stake for violating the law of chastity.
- Location: Colonia Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Church unit: Mexican Branch, Juarez Stake
- Marcos Garcia (b. Apr 1906)—4 May 1945—Excommunicated in Colonia Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico by the Mexican Branch, Juarez Stake for violating the law of chastity.
- Location: Colonia Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Church unit: Mexican Branch, Juarez Stake
- Lenor Tafoya (b. 29 Oct 1908)—4 May 1945—Excommunicated in Colonia Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico by the Mexican Branch, Juarez Stake for violating the law of chastity.
- Location: Colonia Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Church unit: Mexican Branch, Juarez Stake
- Camelle Pope Barco Aston Shippe (b. 25 Jan 1904)—11 May 1945—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Highland Park Ward, Highland Stake for apostasy.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Highland Park Ward, Highland Stake
- Orville Cox Day (b. 1 Jun 1885)—28 May 1945—Excommunicated in Highland, Utah by the Highland Ward, Alpine Stake for violating the law of chastity.
- Location: Highland, Utah
- Church unit: Highland Ward, Alpine Stake
- Joseph Lars Peterson (b. 1 Oct 1890)—7 Jun 1945—Excommunicated in Garfield, Utah by the Garfield East Ward, Oquirrh Stake for apostasy.
- Location: Garfield, Utah
- Church unit: Garfield East Ward, Oquirrh Stake
- Carrie Myrtle Miller Smith (b. 1 Aug 1879)—11 Jun 1945—Excommunicated-at-own-request in Dallas, Texas by the Dallas Branch, Texas Mission for apostasy.
- Location: Dallas, Texas
- Church unit: Dallas Branch, Texas Mission
- Bessie Anna Jarvis Cress (b. 15 Mar 1916)—15 Jun 1945—Excommunicated in Montebello, California by the Montebello Ward, Pasadena Stake for apostasy.
- Location: Montebello, California
- Church unit: Montebello Ward, Pasadena Stake
- Joseph David Jenkins (b. 3 Dec 1910)—15 Jun 1945—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the South Twentieth Ward, Ensign Stake for violating the law of chastity.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: South Twentieth Ward, Ensign Stake
- Wilhelm Ernest J. Rettmer (b. 9 Sep 1900)—28 Jun 1945—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Park Stake for teaching and advocating doctrines contrary to the teachings of the Church, particularly with reference to the trinity of the Godhead.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Park Stake
- Berta J. F. Grossmuch Rettmer—28 Jun 1945—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Park Stake for teaching and advocating doctrines contrary to the teachings of the Church, particularly with reference to the trinity of the Godhead.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Park Stake
- John August Gustafson (b. 25 Sep 1885)—1 Jul 1945—Excommunicated in Watsonville, California by the Watsonville Branch, Northern California Mission for violating the law of chastity.
- Location: Watsonville, California
- Church unit: Watsonville Branch, Northern California Mission
- Loy Robinson (b. 13 Oct 1902)—3 Jul 1945—Excommunicated-at-own-request in Seattle, Washington by the University Ward, Seattle Stake for apostasy.
- Location: Seattle, Washington
- Church unit: University Ward, Seattle Stake
- Fred Leffingwell Beebe (b. 26 Dec 1872)—5 Jul 1945—Excommunicated in St. Augustine, Florida by the St. Augustine Branch, Southern States Mission for apostasy.
- Location: St. Augustine, Florida
- Church unit: St. Augustine Branch, Southern States Mission
- Rubie Strong Hooker (b. 14 Jan 1884)—5 Jul 1945—Excommunicated in St. Augustine, Florida by the St. Augustine Branch, Southern States Mission for apostasy.
- Location: St. Augustine, Florida
- Church unit: St. Augustine Branch, Southern States Mission
- Cecil Solano (b. 28 Jul 1909)—5 Jul 1945—Excommunicated in St. Augustine, Florida by the St. Augustine Branch, Southern States Mission for apostasy.
- Location: St. Augustine, Florida
- Church unit: St. Augustine Branch, Southern States Mission
- Lily Fink (b. 2 Feb 1923)—11 Jul 1945—Excommunicated in South Salt Lake, Utah by the Southgate Ward, South Salt Lake Stake for apostasy and joining the so-called Order of Aaron.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Southgate Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Mary Fink (b. 4 Feb 1921)—11 Jul 1945—Excommunicated in South Salt Lake, Utah by the Southgate Ward, South Salt Lake Stake for apostasy and joining the so-called Order of Aaron.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Southgate Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Mary Bangerter Fink (b. 20 Sep 1888)—11 Jul 1945—Excommunicated in South Salt Lake, Utah by the Southgate Ward, South Salt Lake Stake for apostasy and joining the so-called Order of Aaron.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Southgate Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Claude F. Weight (b. 3 Mar 1879)—17 Jul 1945—Excommunicated in Provo, Utah by the Provo First Ward, Provo Stake for joining the so-called Order of Aaron.
- Location: Provo, Utah
- Church unit: Provo First Ward, Provo Stake
- Ruth Elaine Von Atta (b. 31 Mar 1926)—18 Jul 1945—Excommunicated in San Jose, California by the San Jose Ward, San Francisco Stake for apostasy.
- Location: San Jose, California
- Church unit: San Jose Ward, San Francisco Stake
- Karl R. Dehaas (b. 11 Sep 1895)—19 Jul 1945—Excommunicated in Pennsylvania by the East Pennsylvania District, Eastern States Mission for apostasy.
- Location: Pennsylvania
- Church unit: East Pennsylvania District, Eastern States Mission
- John Lewis Herron (b. 11 Mar 1880)—29 Jul 1945—Excommunicated in Magna, Utah by the Magna Ward, Oquirrh Stake for apostasy.
- Location: Magna, Utah
- Church unit: Magna Ward, Oquirrh Stake
- Viola Stone Card—8 Aug 1945—Excommunicated for being “[a]ffiliated with [the] ‘Aaronic Order’”.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Eldredge Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Murtle Maus Andrew—8 Aug 1945—Excommunicated for being “[a]ffiliated with [the] ‘Aaronic Order’”.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Eldredge Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Myrtle E. Mauss Andrew (b. 9 Nov 1894)—8 Aug 1945—Excommunicated in South Salt Lake, Utah by the Eldredge Ward, South Salt Lake Stake for joining the so-called Order of Aaron.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Eldredge Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Gladys Estelle Bryant (b. 11 Dec 1890)—8 Aug 1945—Excommunicated in Liberty, Mississippi by the Liberty Mississippi Branch, Southern States Mission for apostasy.
- Location: Liberty, Mississippi
- Church unit: Liberty Mississippi Branch, Southern States Mission
- Viola L. Stone Card (b. 5 Feb 1899)—8 Aug 1945—Excommunicated in South Salt Lake, Utah by the Eldredge Ward, South Salt Lake Stake for joining the so-called Order of Aaron.
- Location: South Salt Lake, Utah
- Church unit: Eldredge Ward, South Salt Lake Stake
- Ernest Hollings (b. 3 Dec 1882)—9 Aug 1945—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Twenty-first Ward, Emigration Stake for joining the so-called Order of Aaron.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Twenty-first Ward, Emigration Stake
- Gwenevere W. Cowley (b. 20 Jan 1914)—14 Aug 1945—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Laurelcrest Ward, Sugar House Stake for practicing plural marriage contrary to Church rule and regulation.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Laurelcrest Ward, Sugar House Stake
- Dorothy Elizabeth Benson (b. 26 Nov 1924)—22 Aug 1945—Excommunicated in United States by the Southern States Mission for apostasy.
- Location: United States
- Church unit: Southern States Mission
- Robert Byron Crandall (b. 1 Feb 1903)—14 Sep 1945—Excommunicated in Provo, Utah by the Provo First Ward, Provo Stake for apostasy.
- Location: Provo, Utah
- Church unit: Provo First Ward, Provo Stake
- Ivan Earl Richards (b. 3 Apr 1908)—3 Oct 1945—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Thirtieth Ward, Pioneer Stake for joining the so-called “Order of Aaron”.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Thirtieth Ward, Pioneer Stake
- Evelyn Bernice Shurtliff Richards (b. 18 Oct 1910)—3 Oct 1945—Excommunicated in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Thirtieth Ward, Pioneer Stake for joining the so-called “Order of Aaron”.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Thirtieth Ward, Pioneer Stake
- Alfred Bangerter (b. 16 Oct 1889)—13 Oct 1945—Excommunicated in Bountiful, Utah by the Bountiful First Ward, South Davis Stake for apostasy and joining the so-called “Order of Aaron”.
- Location: Bountiful, Utah
- Church unit: Bountiful First Ward, South Davis Stake
- Fawn M. Brodie (1915-1981)—19 Jun 1946—Psychobiographer, professor of history, David O. McKay niece—Excommunicated for publishing No Man Knows My History, a biography of Joseph Smith in which she was said to have “assert[ed] matters as truths which deny the divine origin of the Book of Mormon, the restoration of the Priesthood and of Christ’s Church through the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith, contrary to the beliefs, doctrines and teachings of the Church.” She later stated that she was “convinced before [she] ever began writing [No Man Knows My History] that Joseph Smith was not a true Prophet.” Brodie’s biography of Joseph Smith stands alongside Bushman’s Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling as a preeminent account of Joseph Smith’s life. She went on to write numerous biographies including the prescient Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate History which was the first major work to argue that Thomas Jefferson had a sexual relationship with his slave, Sally Hemings.
- Location: Westville, New Haven, Connecticut
- Church unit: New England Mission
- John Horne Blackmore (1890-1971)—1947—Non-polygamous polygamy advocate, educator, Canadian legislator—Excommunicated for “teaching and advocating the doctrine of plural marriage”. He used his position in the Canadian House of Commons to advocate for the legalization of polygamy, though he did not practice it himself.
- Location: Canada
- Sally Franchow—1952?—Defender of Annalee Skarin—Excommunicated (according to Annalee Skarin) for defending Annalee in her own excommunication trial.
- Location: Utah
- Annalee Skarin (1899-1988)—11 Jun 1952—Self-proclaimed prophetess, New Age icon—Excommunicated for refusing, at apostle Mark E. Peterson’s insistence, to repudiate her book of revelations, Ye Are Gods. Elder Peterson’s rationale for the top-down decision to excommunicate Annalee Skarin reportedly included the objection that she “attempts to give revelations on her own part and defends this fact even though she is a woman.” Soon after her excommunication she claimed to have been translated and seemingly spent the rest of her life in hiding with her husband, Reason Skarin. Her daughter, Hope Hilton, wrote, “Annalee was a paranoid-schizophrenic who listened to an inner voice whose tapes were often garbled. She was a dramatic actress who sought center stage and applause while proclaiming her humility. She was a master of cover-up which only those on the inside could see.”
- Location: Utah
- Sandra Tanner (b. 14 Jan 1941)—7 Jul 1960—Utah Lighthouse Ministry co-founder, publisher on Mormonism—Excommunicated at her own request for “[a]postacy, and engaging in activities contrary to the best interests of the church”. She and her husband, Jerald Tanner, left the church shortly after their wedding objecting to the church’s treatment of its black members as well as historical research that painted a picture of early church leaders which they could not reconcile with belief. They went on to found the Utah Lighthouse Ministry and publish widely on church topics, missionizing Mormons into mainstream Christianity.
- Location: North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California
- Church unit: North Hollywood Ward, Burbank Stake
- Jerald Tanner (1 Jun 1938-1 Oct 2006)—14 Aug 1960—Utah Lighthouse Ministry co-founder, publisher on Mormonism—Excommunicated at his own request for a “voluntary request for [his] name to be stricken from the records [of the church] and teaching doctrines which are not in harmony with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints”. He and his wife, Sandra Tanner, left the church shortly after their wedding objecting to the church’s treatment of its black members as well as historical research that painted a picture of early church leaders which they could not reconcile with belief. They went on to found the Utah Lighthouse Ministry and publish widely on church topics, missionizing Mormons into mainstream Christianity.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Cannon Seventh Ward, Cannon Stake
- John Singer (1931-1979)—1972?—Polygamist, anti-government activist—Excommunicated for refusal to sustain Joseph Fielding Smith as a prophet. He entered a polygamous relationship and went on to defy the government in a fight over homeschooling his children. He was shot in a confrontation with police when he refused to surrender his second (polygamous) wife’s children (in legal custody of her now-ex-husband) to the state.
- Location: Utah
Ogden Kraut (21 Jun 1927-17 Jul 2002)—1972—Independent Mormon fundamentalist author—Excommunicated for advocating polygamy. A friend of fellow excommunicants John and Vickie Singer, he later acted as mediator in the Singer-Swapp standoff.
- Richard McCoy, Jr. (1942-1974)—6 Jun 1972—Sunday School teacher, copycat skyjacker—Excommunicated “on the grounds of skyjacking and extortion”. Richard McCoy, Jr., hijacked a United Airlines passenger jet for ransom in 1972, four months after the more infamous D.B. Cooper carried out a similar and still-unsolved hijacking. Due to the similarity, McCoy has been considered a suspect in the D.B. Cooper crime. He was excommunicated in response to his crimes, and was shot after escaping from prison.
- Location: Provo, Utah
- Church unit: Provo Stake
- Vickie Singer—1970 or 1972—Polygamist, anti-government activist—Excommunicated for refusal to sustain Joseph Fielding Smith as a prophet. Nearly a decade after her husband’s death, she participated in the bombing of an LDS chapel, for which she spent five years in prison after a violent standoff.
- Location: Utah
- Ted Bundy (1946-1989)—1976?—Convicted serial killer and rapist—Excommunicated following his conviction for kidnapping. His participation in Mormonism was brief: he was baptized in August or September 1975, jailed that year, convicted in 1976, and excommunicated in response. He had already been murdering people when he joined the church. He made two dramatic escapes and three further murders before being recaptured and thrice sentenced to death. He was executed for his crimes in 1989. Temple work was performed for him posthumously.
- Location: Utah
Byron Merchant—14 Oct 1977—Race ban protester—Excommunicated for opposition to the race-based priesthood and temple ban. His “opposed” vote in General Conference led to the instigation of disciplinary action against him.
- Arthur Gary Bishop (1952-1988)—Oct 1978—Embezzler, serial killer, child molester—Excommunicated after being convicted of embezzlement. He went on to become a serial killer and child molester.
- Location: Utah
- Sonia Johnson (b. 1936)—5 Dec 1979—Feminist—Excommunicated for her work in promoting the Equal Rights Amendment.
- Location: Sterling Park, Virginia
- Church unit: Sterling Park, Virginia Ward
- W. H. Pugmire (3 May 1951-26 Mar 2019)—1980?—Writer of weird and horror fiction, “totally queer Mormon, but celibate”—Excommunicated at his own request in order to be “all-the-way gay” in Seattle in 1980. Twenty-five years later, taking the missionary discussions a meeting with Mormon missionaries reconverted him, and he rejoined the church in 2004. Writing in the vein of H. P. Lovecraft, Pugmire was described as “perhaps the leading Lovecraftian author writing today”.
- Location: Seattle, Washington
- Teresa Nielsen Hayden (b. 21 Mar 1956)—summer 1980—Writer, science fiction editor, ERA proponent—Excommunicated in response to a denunciatory letter she wrote church president Spencer W. Kimball upon the excommunication of Sonia Johnson.
- Location: Seattle, Washington
David Charles Manners (b. 1965)—1985?—British writer and charity co-founder—Excommunicated for being gay.
- Mark Hofmann (b. 1954)—1988?—Double murderer and expert forger—Excommunicated following his imprisonment for murder. Hofmann is widely regarded as one of the world’s great forgers. He deceived LDS church leaders with forgeries of supposed early church documents, leading historians to investigate actual connections between Joseph Smith and folk beliefs regarding magic.
- Location: Utah
Bruce Holt—Jan 1989—Software developer—Excommunicated for adultery. Re-baptized 1991.
- George P. Lee (1943-2010)—1 Sep 1989—First Native American General Authority—Excommunicated for “apostasy and other conduct unbecoming a member of the Church.”. Later convicted of child sexual molestation, which apparently played a role in his excommunication though this was only hinted at at the time. The first General Authority excommunication since Richard R. Lyman in 1943.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
The September Six
Lynne Kanavel Whitesides—14 Sep 1993—Feminist noted for teachings on Mother in Heaven, Salt Lake Mormon Women’s Forum president—Disfellowshipped on a charge of apostasy, using transcripts of her own public addresses as evidence, possibly including comments made on television about the church’s treatment of women.
- Avraham Gileadi (b. 1940)—15 Sep 1993—Author and interpreter of the Book of Isaiah—Excommunicated for apostasy, an outcome brought about under the direction of the Correlation Committee which condemned some of Gileadi’s teachings on Isaiah as false doctrine. He was rebaptized 27 Feb 1996 and reported later that his excommunication had been expunged.
- Location: Utah
- Church unit: Santaquin, Utah Stake
- Maxine Hanks—19 Sep 1993—Feminist who supported female ordination—Excommunicated for “conduct contrary to the laws and order of the Church”. She edited Women and Authority: Re-emerging Mormon Feminism published in 1992. After receiving notice of the date of her disciplinary council, she asked that her name be removed from the church’s records, but this request was ignored and she was excommunicated despite her desire to resign. She was rebaptized in February 2012.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Salt Lake Stake
- Paul Toscano—19 Sep 1993—Founder of the Mormon Alliance which documented perceived ecclesiastical abuses—Excommunicated for apostasy. He later reported that the disciplinary council focused on his presentation at the 1993 Sunstone Symposium, All is Not Well in Zion: False Teachings of the True Church, which explored “speculative theology” on a number of topics.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Church unit: Cottonwood Stake
- Lavina Fielding Anderson (b. 1944)—23 Sep 1993—Scholar, writer, editor, and feminist—Excommunicated for apostasy, a month after giving an “atrocity update” as part of the Mormon Alliance session at the Sunstone symposium highlighting perceived ecclesiastical abuses by the church. She reported that the disciplinary action against her was instigated in response to her Spring 1993 Dialogue article, “The LDS Intellectual Community and Church Leadership: A Contemporary Chronology” which detailed perceived abuses against intellectuals and feminists.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- D. Michael Quinn (b. 1944)—26 Sep 1993—Historian, former BYU professor—Excommunicated for apostasy and conduct unbecoming a member. He had published on post-Manifesto plural marriage, in addition to proposing that folk magical beliefs had a substantial influence on Joseph Smith in Early Mormonism and the Magic World View. His stake president’s letter referencing “very sensitive and highly confidential” matters aside from his historical writings may suggest that Quinn’s gay sexual orientation was a factor in his excommunication.
20th Century
- Deborah Laake (1953-2000)—spring/summer 1993—Wrote an ex-Mormon memoir—Excommunicated for apostasy and revealing secret temple rituals in her memoir. She committed suicide in 2000.
- David Wright—5 Apr 1994—Brandeis Hebrew prof—Excommunicated for publishing his view that the Book of Mormon was a 19th-century production in the Sunstone article Historical Criticism: A Necessary Element In The Search For Religious Truth as well as “In Plain Terms That We May Understand”: Joseph Smith’s Transformation of Hebrews in Alma 12-13, a chapter in Brent Metcalfe’s New Approaches to the Book of Mormon.
- Location: Nashua, New Hampshire
- Church unit: Nashua, New Hampshire Stake
- Michael Barrett—24 Apr 1994—Assistant General Counsel for the CIA—Excommunicated for disobeying his stake president’s order to cease writing letters to the editor elaborating on unflattering aspects of Mormon history.
- Location: Virginia
- Church unit: Oakton, Virginia Stake
Brent Metcalfe—4? Dec 1994—Book of Mormon Critic—Excommunicated for apostasy, after first being told he was being excommunicated for “conduct unbecoming a member” of the church. Edited New Approaches to the Book of Mormon: Explorations in Critical Methodology, a collection of critical works on the Book of Mormon, upon which his disciplinary council was instigated.
Janice Merrill Allred (b. 1947)—9 May 1995—Mormon feminist, September Six collaborator—Excommunicated for apostasy and teaching false doctrine on account of her teachings identifying Heavenly Mother as the Holy Ghost and thus equal standing to the Father and Christ, and her assertion that it is possible for the LDS church to be led astray. She had previously been subject to informal church discipline (probation) in October 1994. Her brother-in-law Paul Toscano was excommunicated prior, and her sister Margaret Toscano was excommunicated subsequently.
- Hyrum W. Smith—Oct? 1998—Franklin Quest founder, former mission president—Excommunicated after confessing an extramarital affair. He was rebaptized Jul 2001 and was fully restored to the priesthood Nov 2002.
- Location: St. George, Utah
- Margaret Toscano—2000—Mormon feminist, classics professor—Excommunicated for apostasy because she refused to silence her views on female ordination and an elevated theological status for Heavenly Mother. She was originally threatened with excommunication along with the September Six (including her husband Paul Toscano) and ordered silent on feminist issues. It was later determined that she had not sufficiently stifled her views.
- Location: Utah
21st Century
- Rhonda Whelan—Aug 2002—Polygamy researcher—Disfellowshipped for the research behind the book More Than One: Plural Marriage, A Sacred Heritage - A Promise For Tomorrow. She subsequently disavowed the book and apparently returned to good standing with the church, divorcing her husband as well.
- Location: Woods Cross, Utah
- Church unit: Woods Cross, Utah North Stake
- Shane LeGrande Whelan—11 Aug 2002—Author, polygamy defender—Excommunicated for “apostasy and conduct inappropriate of a member of the church” for writing More Than One: Plural Marriage, A Sacred Heritage - A Promise For Tomorrow and promoting it with a series of billboards. The “conduct inappropriate of a member of the church” referred to accusations of verbal abuse against his stepdaughter. His wife Rhonda was disfellowshipped for her role researching the book and subsequently divorced her husband.
- Location: Woods Cross, Utah
- Church unit: Woods Cross, Utah North Stake
Thomas W. Murphy (b. abt 1967)—8 Dec 2002—anthropologist who published on genetics and the Book of Mormon—Though summoned to a disciplinary council, the council was never held. Thomas Murphy attributes this to media attention which threatened to embarrass the church for excommunicating a “Galileo”.
- Grant Palmer (1940-2017)—12 Dec 2004—Long-time CES educator—Disfellowshipped for apostasy. He had published An Insider’s View of Mormon Origins, a work that challenged traditional LDS narratives and argued for a strong 19th-century influence on the Book of Mormon and other revelations of Joseph Smith. His 1968 master’s thesis had focused on the movement of excommunicant William S. Godbe. He resigned his church membership in 2010.
- Location: Sandy, Utah
- Church unit: Willow Creek Stake
- Simon Southerton (b. abt. 1965)—31 Jul 2005—Geneticist and author—Excommunicated for “having an inappropriate relationship with a woman” he was not married to. The year prior he had published Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA and the Book of Mormon which argued that DNA evidence does not support the Book of Mormon’s apparent claims regarding Native American ancestry. He believed his excommunication was in response to his publications and that the charges of an inappropriate relationship were a way of preventing him from discussing his criticisms of the church during the disciplinary council.
- Location: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
- Denver Snuffer—10 Sep 2013—Utah lawyer and author of books on LDS doctrine—Excommunicated for apostasy, namely his refusal to cease publication of his book, Passing the Heavenly Gift. His appeal of the excommunication was denied by the First Presidency the following November.
- Location: Sandy, Utah
- Church unit: Sandy, Utah Stake
- Kate Kelly (b. 1980)—2014—Feminist, Ordain Women founder—Excommunicated “for conduct contrary to the laws and order of the church”, particularly for promoting the view that women should be ordained to the priesthood. Her movement—as well as excommunication—immediately preceded a raft of changes increasing women’s roles in the church, including women praying in General Conference, more prominent female mission leadership, a lowered age for female missionary service, and improved curriculum for the Young Women program.
- Location: Virginia
- John Dehlin (b. 1969)—8 Feb 2015—LGBT advocate, host of Mormon Stories podcast—Excommunicated for apostasy and “conduct contrary to the laws and order of the church”, for critical views expressed while interviewing hundreds of Mormons on Mormon Stories, a groundbreaking podcast that facilitated open discussion among Mormons. He advocated honesty in evaluating the historical claims of the LDS church and tried to stay in the faith while not believing the divinity claims. The podcast enabled critical viewpoints to gain a wider audience, and gave doubting and otherwise-marginalized Mormons a sense of community and support.
- Location: North Logan, Utah
- Church unit: North Logan Stake
- Bruce Holt—30 Mar 2016—Software developer—Excommunicated because he would not take down his Facebook post denouncing Joseph Smith as a “fraud”.
- Jeremy Runnells—17 Apr 2016—Author of “Letter to a CES Director”—Resigned his church membership during his disciplinary council for apostasy wherein he was accused of criticizing church leaders, expressing disbelief in the Scriptures, and expressing opposition to church leaders including founding prophet, Joseph Smith. He was disciplined for creating a document which asks questions regarding the history of the LDS faith and challenges its truth claims. The letter was written in 2013 and went viral shortly thereafter.
- Location: American Fork, Utah
- Church unit: American Fork, Utah East Stake
- James J. Hamula—8 Aug 2017—Member of the First Quorum of Seventy—Excommunicated for reasons unknown. The first excommunication of a general authority since George P. Lee.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Sam Young—9 Sep 2018—Critic of one-on-one youth interviews, “Protect LDS Children” founder—Excommunicated “for conduct contrary to the laws and order of the church” due to his campaign against one-on-one interviews between adult male church leaders and minors, wherein sexually-themed questions are regularly asked. His Protect LDS Children initiative collected over a thousand stories describing harms experienced during such youth interviews and supported protest actions including a signature drive and hunger strike.
- Location: Sugar Land, Texas
- Church unit: Houston Texas South Stake
- Bill Reel—2 Dec 2018—Mormon Dicussions podcaster—Excommunicated for apostasy largely for accusing church apostle Jeffrey R. Holland of repeated falsehoods in a podcast episode titled “Elder Holland – Liar Liar Pants on Fire”.
- Location: St. George, Utah
- Gina Colvin—20 Dec 2018—A Thoughtful Faith podcaster—No action was taken in her disciplinary council, convened to hear charges of apostasy and “conduct unbecoming” a church member. She has since resigned from the LDS church and joined the Community of Christ.
- Location: Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Julie Rowe—7 Apr 2019—Energy healing and preparedness author and visionary—Excommunicated for “apostasy, teaching false doctrine, priestcraft, and defaming the good name of the church”. Her book describing a near-death experience, A Greater Tomorrow: My Journey Beyond the Veil was placed on the church’s list of “spurious materials in circulation” against which seminary and institute teachers should be warned.
- Leah Young—14 Apr 2019—Support group co-founder—Excommunicated on charges of apostasy. The disciplinary council was convened because she and her husband, Cody Young, would not disband a support group they started for former and questioning church members after having lost their own faith.
- Location: Columbus, Ohio
- Recording
- Cody Young—14 Apr 2019—Support group co-founder—Excommunicated on charges of apostasy. The disciplinary council was convened because he and his wife, Leah Young, would not disband a support group they started for former and questioning church members after having lost their own faith.
- Location: Columbus, Ohio
- Recording
Jared Lusk—30 Jun 2019—Sam Young supporter who posted about his disbelief on Facebook—Disfellowshipped for apostasy.
- Natasha Helfer (b. abt 1972)—21 Apr 2021—Mormon sex therapist—Excommunicated in Derby, Kansas by the Derby, Kansas Stake for apostasy. Her prominence and critiques of the church, including as unsafe for LGBTQ members, and her differences with the church on how pornography, masturbation, and same-sex marriage should be handled, were cited in her summons letter, though her stake president asserted that her professional activities were not a consideration in the decision to excommunicate. Her appeal of the excommunication was denied.
- Location: Derby, Kansas
- Church unit: Derby, Kansas Stake
Uncertain Date
Leman Copley (1781-1862)—bet. 1831 and 1836—Reluctant consecrator—Excommunicated. Reinstated 1 Apr 1836.
Bob Lonsberry (b. 1959)—by 2001—writer and talk radio host—Excommunicated for “bad conduct”
Sources Consulted
- Wikipedia Category: People excommunicated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Wikipedia Category: People excommunicated by the Church of Christ (Latter Day Saints)
- Wikipedia: List of former or dissident LDS
- 26 Apr 1839 Far West council minutes
- Sarah Pratt: The Shaping of an Apostate by Richard S. Van Wagoner.
- History and Doctrinal Development of the Order of Aaron by Ralph D. Erickson
- Improvement Era excommunication notices
The scope of this project is too large for one human being to accomplish in a reasonable amount of time. I am hoping to do what I can and also to lay a groundwork for others to build on.
The Inbox lists individuals who need to be investigated and documented. That’s a great place to start.
Sources To Consult lists sources that are known to contain records of church disciplinary action, but which need to be combed through for specific individuals, which could go to the Inbox.
If you know of additional individuals please add them to the Inbox.
If you know of additional sources please add them to Sources To Consult.
When you have a contribution to make, here’s how to get it into the database:
Tips, additions, corrections, or any other feedback are welcome at This is the route to take if you wish to remain anonymous.
Contributing Directly on GitHub
The database is hosted on the GitHub code sharing site. This makes it easy for contributors to directly edit the files involved, as follows:
- Click “View on GitHub” above
- If you have a GitHub account, log in; otherwise, create a new account and log in.
- Open the file within the project that you wish to edit by clicking on its filename. For example, this file is, and the main data file is discipline_base.json.
- When the file opens in your browser, click the pencil icon to edit the file.
- Make the desired changes, then add a description of the changes and click “Propose file change”. This will make your changes available for me to review and (if accepted) incorporate into the database.
The database is stored in JSON format in discipline_base.json. The build script scripts/
transforms this into an expanded form, discipline.json as well as discipline.tsv and the Markdown document
An entry in discipline.json
looks like this:
"name": "Jesse Gause",
"wikipedia_url": "",
"jsp_url": "",
"birth_date": "1785",
"death_date": "1836?",
"sections": [
"19th Century"
"date_md": "prob. 3 Dec 1832",
"tagline_md": "First Presidency member and missionary",
"notes_md": "[Apparently excommunicated](, for reasons unknown. A former Quaker and Shaker, his conversion to Mormonism introduced strain on his marriage that may have been a factor in his estrangement from the church.",
"outcome": "excommunicated",
"date_txt": "prob. 3 Dec 1832",
"best_date_txt": "3 Dec 1832",
"best_year": 1832,
"best_month": "Dec",
"best_day": 3,
"tagline_txt": "First Presidency member and missionary",
"notes_txt": "Apparently excommunicated, for reasons unknown. A former Quaker and Shaker, his conversion to Mormonism introduced strain on his marriage that may have been a factor in his estrangement from the church."
If that looks daunting, you’re in luck—a lot of that was automatically generated by scripts/
from a simpler entry in discipline_base.json
, which looks like this:
"name": "Jesse Gause",
"wikipedia_url": "",
"jsp_url": "",
"birth_date": "1785",
"death_date": "1836?",
"sections": [
"19th Century"
"date_md": "prob. 3 Dec 1832",
"tagline_md": "First Presidency member and missionary",
"notes_md": "[Apparently excommunicated](, for reasons unknown. A former Quaker and Shaker, his conversion to Mormonism introduced strain on his marriage that may have been a factor in his estrangement from the church.",
"outcome": "excommunicated"
, date_md
, and outcome
are required. Other fields should be included if possible, but can be omitted. The fields are documented in more detail here.
Fields ending with _md
are in a format called Markdown which lets us link to sources in the notes, italicize titles, and otherwise make things more useful and presentable. It might look strange at first but it’s fairly easy to learn, which you can do using this guide. If you don’t want to bother with it, you can just type plain text instead.
Entries must link to primary or secondary resources documenting all factual claims in the entry. These links can be provided within notes_md
and other fields. There are also two special fields for Wikipedia articles and Joseph Smith Papers biographies respectively: wikipedia_url
and jsp_url
. It is acceptable to rely on Wikipedia if the Wikipedia article itself seems to justify its claims well; otherwise, you need to dig deeper to find more trustworthy sources.
The following are believed to have undergone formal church discipline but this needs to be investigated and documented:
- Art Bulla
- Marisa and Carson Calderwood
- Frank J. Cannon
- John Q. Cannon
- Albert Carrington
- Benjamin L. Clapp
- Alpheus Cutler
- Ed Decker
- Steven Fales
- Antonio A. Feliz
- John Fitzgerald—1973
- John E. Forsgren
- Walter M. Gibson
- Matthew P. Gill
- William S. Godbe
- Gudmund Gudmundson
- Isaac C. Haight
- James D. Harmston
- Elias L. T. Harrison
- Glenn Helzer
- Leroy S. Johnson
- Charles W. Kingston
- John Hyrum Koyle
- Alma Dayer LeBaron Sr.
- Joel LeBaron
- Verlan M. LeBaron
- John D. Lee
- Amasa Lyman
- Amy and Jake Malouf
- Leonard Matlovich
- William McCary
- Richard Miller (agent)
- Brian David Mitchell
- Joseph Morris (Latter Day Saints)
- Joseph White Musser
- John E. Page
- W. W. Phelps 1847 excommunication (#3)
- Sidney Rigdon
- William Smith
- Third Convention
- Edward Tullidge
- Douglas A. Wallace—1976
- Lyman Wight
- Anne Wilde
- John W. Woolley
- Lorin C. Woolley
- “a bunch of the people who were early mormon fundamentalists and after the second manifesto”
- “the recent men convicted of child sexual abuse who were bishops or church leaders or part of scandals”
Revision Needed
Entries which (potentially) are not up to current standards:
- Byron Merchant
- Sonia Johnson
- David Wright
- Brent Metcalfe
- Janice Merrill Allred
- Margaret Toscano
- Shane Whelan
- Rhonda Whelan
- Kate Kelly
- John Dehlin
- Jeremy Runnells
- Sam Young
- Bill Reel
- James Strang (wordsmithing needed)
Sources To Consult
Sources from which church discipline actions should be gleaned:
- History of the Church
- Kirtland High Council Minutes
- Improvement Era excommunication notices
- Modern Polygamy and Mormon Fundamentalism: The Generations after the Manifesto by Brian Hales
- Deseret News excommunication notices
When a source has been fully combed through, move it to Sources Consulted.
Individuals for whom church discipline has been claimed but for which sufficient evidence has not been found.
Nathaniel Baldwin (1878-1961)—1905—Monogomous polygamist technologist—He was fired from his BYU job probably due to his support for post-Manifesto polygamy, but I find no support that he was excommunicated. He was a technologist whose improvement on the headphones of the day brought financial success, which he channeled to support the nascent Mormon fundamentalist movement. However, he was only married to one woman.
Martha Nibley Beck—Scholar and author—Excommunicated??? for her public writings which were deemed to be critical of the church. She was a part time faculty at BYU at the time and is the daughter of Hugh Nibley, a well-known Mormon apologist.
Jason Derek Brown—489th fugitive to be placed on the FBI Ten Most Wanted list—No evidence of excommunication yet found.
Charles A. Foster (1815-1904)—Nauvoo Expositor publisher—Excommunicated???
Hiram Page—Wikipedia categorizes him as having been excommunicated, but I find no evidence of this. A 1987 thesis states explicitly that there is no evidence of excommunication or withdrawal of his license (p. 57)
Jacob Whitmer (2 Feb 1800-21 Apr 1856)—One of the Eight Witnesses of the Book of Mormon—Joseph Smith Papers says he was disaffected from the church in 1838, but I find no record of disciplinary action. A Feb 1989 Ensign article explicitly states that he was never tried for his church membership. The Encyclopedia of Mormonism simply states that he became “inactive”. Wikipedia is likely wrong to have categorized him as excommunicated.
Mary Mussleman Whitmer (27 Aug 1778-Jan 1856)—Book of Mormon witness, early Mormon matriarch—She said that, in the time when the Book of Mormon was being translated, a heavenly messenger named Brother Nephi showed her that golden plates as she went out to milk the cows. I have not been able to find evidence she underwent church discipline, other than claims that the entire Whitmer family was excommunicated. Wikipedia may have her wrongly categorized as excommunicated.
Peter Whitmer Sr. (14 Apr 1773-12 Aug 1854)—Early Mormon patriarch—With Mary Musselman Whitmer, the father of the Whitmer family influential in early Mormonism. He became disaffected from the church in 1838 but I find no evidence he underwent church discipline, except that many articles claim the entire Whitmer family was excommunicated, and Wikipedia categorizes him as excommunicated.